Eumorpha achemon

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Eumorpha achemon
Eumorpha achemon

Eumorpha achemon

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Swarmers (Sphingidae)
Subfamily : Macroglossinae
Genre : Eumorpha
Type : Eumorpha achemon
Scientific name
Eumorpha achemon
( Drury , 1773)
Red caterpillar
Green caterpillar
Brown caterpillar

Achemon Eumorpha is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of moth (Sphingidae).


The moths have a wingspan of 87 to 96 millimeters, with the females being larger than the males. Your forewing outer edge is slightly serrated. The color of the forewing upper side varies from pink-brown to gray-brown tones. At Apex , the interior angles and in the middle of the inner edge is dark brown fields stand out. The upper side of the hind wings is pink, darkened brownish in the submarginal region . The thorax is thinly haired in the color of the fore wings. A dark brown area in the shape of a triangle can be seen on each side. The abdomen is similar in color to the thorax.


The caterpillars appear in very different color variants. This is how brown, red, or green individuals appear. The white colon-like spots or stripes on the sides of the middle segments are noticeable. At the end of the body there is a short anal horn in younger caterpillars . This disappears after the fourth stage. In adult animals, instead of the anal horn, only a dark spot can be seen.


The red-brown doll is slender and elongated. It overwinters in a cave created by the caterpillar at a depth of up to 30 centimeters below the surface of the earth.

Similar species

Eumorpha achemon can easily be distinguished from all other Eumorpha species by the pink upper surface of the hind wings .

Distribution and occurrence

The species is spread over almost all states of the USA , sometimes with gaps. It can be very common in certain areas and even be harmful in wine-growing areas. There are sparse individual finds in southeast Canada and northern Mexico . Eumorpha achemon prefers to live in light forests, riverside areas, slopes rich in shrubbery, as well as in vineyards and gardens.

Way of life

The crepuscular and nocturnal moths fly in one or two generations between May and August, depending on where they are found. They suck nectar from the flowers of petunias ( Petunia ), honeysuckles ( Lonicera ), pipe bushes ( Philadelphus ) and flame flowers ( Phlox ) and visit artificial light sources . Eumorpha achemon butterflies are also one of the few species that contribute to the pollination of the orchid species Platanthera praeclara, which the World Conservation Organization IUCN has classified as "critically endangered" during nectar intake . The caterpillars feed on the leaves of various plants, including grapevines ( Vitis ) and Ampelopsis species.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Butterflies and Moths of North America
  2. caterpillar at Bug Guide
  3. dissemination
  4. Pollination of Platanthera praeclara

Web links

Commons : Eumorpha achemon  - collection of images, videos and audio files