Euphyllia paraancora

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Euphyllia paraancora
Euphyllia paraancora

Euphyllia paraancora

Class : Flower animals (anthozoa)
Subclass : Hexacorallia
Order : Hard corals (Scleractinia)
Family : Euphylliidae
Genre : Euphyllia
Type : Euphyllia paraancora
Scientific name
Euphyllia paraancora
Veron , 1990

Euphyllia paraancora is a hard coral (Scleractinia) from the Indo-Pacific . The main distribution area is the coral reefs of Indonesia , the Philippines , the north coast of New Guinea , the Mariana Islands , the Carolines , Vanuatus and New Caledonia .

In German, Euphyllia paraancora and the related Euphyllia ancora are called hammer corals because of the shape of their tentacles . The tentacles of the relatively large polyps are T-shaped, with the upper part usually being lighter in color than the base of the tentacles, or fluorescing bright green .

In nature, Euphyllia paraancora lives both in the shallow water of partly cloudy lagoons , on the reef roof and in deeper areas of the reef slopes, where they often dominate. The colonies reach a diameter of 60 to 120 centimeters.

In coral reef aquarium is Euphyllia paraancora keeps well. Since it nettles heavily, it should have a sufficient distance from other sessile animals.


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