European Federation of Psychology Student Associations

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The European Federation of Psychology Student Associations (EFPSA) is a non-profit , non-governmental student organization made up of student associations from across Europe .

EFPSA consists of 33 member organizations and two observer organizations, each represented by a member representative, which form the Federation's legislative body. The work of the federation consists of the work of the member representatives (MR), the board of directors (executive board, EB) and the board of management (BM).


The EFPSA was founded in April 1987 at the University of Lisbon by psychology students from eight different European countries. The main features of the federation were converted into formal statutes during the second meeting in Liege, Belgium in April 1988. At the same time, EFPSA initiated the first project, the EUROPSYCHO database for education and exchange. In January 1989, EFPSA was registered as an international association under Belgian law. During the third general assembly in Lund , Sweden in April 1989 , the association developed its structure, with the first meeting of the Board of Directors (EB) also being established that same year. In July 1991 EFPSA started a cooperation with the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) in Amsterdam , in 2001 the EFPSA became an official member organization of EFPA.

After EFPSA's participation in the first European student conference for students from various faculties in Liege in November 1990, many contacts were made, especially in Eastern European countries. During the fifth general assembly in Geneva , the EFPSA increased by 11 member countries and the first delegation from Eastern Europe was welcomed. This year the idea arose to establish permanent working groups ("task forces") in order to work more effectively on projects such as EUROPSYCHO, ERASMUS etc. As the years passed, EFPSA grew and more events such as a summer school, seminars and congress were organized. In 2006 EFPSA developed its own logo and was recognized with the now developed representative logo and the color orange .

Mission and goal


EFPSA's job, according to its own statements, is to bring together psychology students on a European level and to expand their understanding of psychology, promote skills, have a positive impact on society and the perception of psychology; to support scientific and social interaction and to facilitate cultural exchange between psychology students, academics and specialists.


According to the homepage, EFPSA's goal is to create a psychologically attentive society in which false concepts are reduced and general well-being is promoted; To organize services and events that support psychology students in their needs in order to be able to develop professionally and to achieve good networking.


EFPSA's structure was developed at the third general assembly in Lund, Sweden in April 1989. At that time, the board of directors took on tasks that the member representatives now do. There was no board of directors at the time, only a president. Since then, EFPSA has grown, had to make structural changes and establish a kind of board of directors. In 2003 the concept of national representatives (today: member representatives) was introduced. These formed a committee that makes decisions at EFPSA. Furthermore, due to the need for leadership in strategic decisions, the management board was separated from the administrative board, as well as to review the efficiency of the entire organization.


EFPSA is currently organizing eleven annual and one two-year event. The Congress, European Summer School (ESS), EFPSA Academy, Train the Trainers (TtT) Summer School, Train Advanced Trainers (TAT), Trainers' Meeting (TRAM), Trainers'Conference (TRaC), EFPSA Day, Joint Executive Board & Member Representatives Meeting and Board Meetings are annual events, while the conference takes place every two years.

The annual EFPSA Congress

The annual EFPSA Congress lasts one week and brings together over 350 psychology students, scientists and researchers from all over Europe. The congress, which usually takes place between April and May, consists of a scientific program on a specific topic with contributions from students, researchers and experienced scientists. There is also a social program that gives participants the chance for cultural and personal exchange and offers the opportunity to broaden their academic and personal horizons.

The Board of Directors and the Board of Directors are elected during the Congress.

The host country of the congress changes every year. So far there have been 33 congresses, which have been held in 25 different countries. The 34th Congress will take place in Ireland in 2019.

European Summer School

The first European Summer School (ESS) took place in Leie, Estonia in 2007 under the topic of intercultural psychology and has dealt with different topics every year since then. During this seven-day event, students embark on an intercultural research program in which they have the opportunity to join one of six research projects, which is led by a supervisor. You are planning and implementing a 12-month study there. The program is enriched by lectures by professionals from relevant areas of psychology. Every year all lectures and research are devoted to a specific topic in order to reflect more precisely on a field of psychology. Since 2011, all participants who have completed a training program and committed to a research project have been invited to join the Junior Research Program, which extends the European Summer School from a one-week event to a well-structured 12-month program.


EFPSA Day is an event to make EPSa better known, which takes place across Europe in early December. The first EFPSA day took place in 2010. Presentations, workshops and other activities in connection with the EFPSA take place in many universities on the same day in order to bring EFPSA closer to as many students as possible.

Train the trainers

In 2010 the first Train the Trainers Summer School took place in Austria. The Train the Trainers (TtT) Summer School is a seven-day event that deals with experimental and non-formal education and tries to teach 12 participants a range of skills and knowledge for training sessions. After acquiring the required qualifications, TtT graduates are invited to join the EFPSA trainer pool - a supportive environment to expand training skills and experience.

Train Advanced Trainers

EFPSA's Train Advanced Trainers (TAT) is an eight-day event that takes place in March. This is the only event that is also accessible to non-psychology students and external persons. The TAT was designed for up to 25 experienced trainers from various NGOs and offers the opportunity to expand training skills on a specific topic.

EFPSA Academy

The EFPSA Academy aims to bring together volunteers from European youth organizations so that they can develop professionally, network and share experiences while at the same time gaining a variety of skills and knowledge on a specific core topic. It lasts three days and takes place in a city that can be reached quickly and easily from many locations. During the academy, participants receive training and the opportunity to take part in workshops, where they can practice their skills through practical examples and real-world challenges.

Coaching meeting

EFPSA Trainers Meeting (usually abbreviated as TRAM) is a three to four day low budget event for trainers organized by EFPSA trainers. The aim of TRAM is to unite NGO / youth trainers, to share knowledge and experience and to develop their skills. The event will focus on one main topic related to training, which will be conducted by an experienced trainer. The participants are trainers from different organizations. They offer each other training on topics related to the main theme of the event.

Trainer conference

The EFPSA Trainers Conference (usually abbreviated as TraC) is an event that brings together EFPSA trainers to discuss various topics of the training world within the EFPSA and in general. The number of participants, the duration and the time of the event are flexible. Generally, there is an open training day where TraC participants have the opportunity to conduct training at the nearest university.

Joint board and members' council meeting

The annual Joint EB & MR Meeting takes place every autumn and is attended by individuals who are active members within the EFPSA working group. They last a week.

EFPSA conference

The EFPSA conference took place for the first time in 2013 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The EFPSA conference is a biennial event and places particular emphasis on its scientific program. It brings together around 150 students from all over Europe for four days with lectures, workshops and presentations by students. There will be an open day during the conference, attended by around 30 students from the host country.

Board meeting I & II

The board meetings are a fundamental component in relation to the management and functioning of the EFPSA, in order to evaluate the work of the association, develop ideas and contribute to the improvement and sustainability of EFPSA. The location of the events is determined annually by the board. The work program includes: analyzes of the association, plenary sessions of the EFPSA, its mission, vision, values ​​and events and services, project-based work and roundtables.


EFPSA provides research and educational skills development services to students and facilitates the process of traveling and studying abroad. EFPSA services include:

Journal of European Psychology Students

The Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed open access journal that is edited exclusively by students and covers various aspects of psychology. The journal has been published regularly by EFPSA since 2009. JEPS offers an opportunity for psychology students to compare their dissertation or research with international reach. Proposals submitted within and outside Europe must be based on research carried out by Bachelor or Master students . Authors of selected articles receive professional feedback and help with the development of their scientific publication. Articles are selected on the basis of the quality of the research only, ignoring the perceived importance and originality of a particular paper. Articles are indexed in EBSCOHost . Since 2016, JEPS has been inviting students to submit registered reports. The JEPS team runs the JEPS Bulletin blog , which has been publishing a range of topics for psychology students of all levels and areas of interest since November 2010.

Study & Travel Abroad (STA)

Study Abroad has existed since the early 1990s when it began under the name "Study Abroad" and later as "Study and Work Abroad" (SWA). Since 2015 the Travel Network and Study Abroad Services have been integrated into the Study & Travel Abroad (STA) service, which continues with the same visions, missions and values ​​as its predecessor. In 2016, the Student Exchange Responsible became part of the team and gave member organizations the opportunity to receive support from EFPSA in organizing their international exchanges with other psychological student associations and students from other health disciplines. The first internship in psychology was offered to psychology students in August 2017.

The EFPSA Study and Travel Abroad service provides information on all cities and universities in EFPSA member countries / regions with the opportunity to study psychology. There is also information about the higher education system, tuition fees and the cost of living in each country. In addition, there is a couch surfing network that also provides tips for traveling to countries / regions where EFPSA events take place. This is an opportunity to experience different cultures, languages ​​and food in a special and affordable way.

Training Office

The Training Office was opened in 2010 with the first Train the Trainers summer school, which took place in Austria in August 2010. At the 2011 congress, the first generation of trainers held meetings for the member representatives and management. In particular, the training office manages the above-mentioned training events. S.

Social Impact Initiative

The Social Impact Initiative team works on three main projects within the association: the Mind the Mind campaign - to combat the stigma of mental disorders (MtM), the Better Together (BT) campaign and the Organized Action of Kindness (OAK) campaign. As part of the MtM campaign, the members of the team enable a Europe-wide series of workshops for 11 to 18 year-old schoolchildren and adults with the aim of raising awareness of the stigmatization of mental disorders and mental disorders.

Member organizations

Organizations from all countries recognized by the Council of Europe can become members of EFPSA. Organizations from countries / regions that are not recognized by the Council of Europe can be considered as regional members. As of April 2018, EFPSA had 33 member organizations and two observer organizations.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. EFPSA - European Federation of Psychology Student's Associations. European Federation of Psychological Associations (EFPA) , accessed January 27, 2020 .
  2. ^ European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations . In: Wikipedia . December 13, 2019 ( [accessed February 1, 2020]).
  3. EFPA Associate Members - EFPSA - European Federation of Psychology Student's Associations. Accessed February 1, 2020 .
  4. EFPSA: Who are we? . European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  5. EFPSA: History . Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  6. Veronika A. Polišenská: The European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations: A Growing Organization . In: European Psychologist . 16, No. 2, 2011, pp. 100-103. doi : 10.1027 / 1016-9040 / a000086 .
  7. EFPSA - An Introduction . In: . ( [accessed February 1, 2020]).
  8. EFPA Associate Members - EFPSA - European Federation of Psychology Student's Associations. Accessed February 1, 2020 .
  9. EFPSA | History. February 3, 2015, accessed February 1, 2020 .
  10. JEPS . EFPSA. Retrieved June 29, 2014.
  11. Leading European medical and psychological student associations join Right to Research Coalition . Right To Research Coalition. December 8, 2011. Retrieved April 23, 2015.
  12. 3 students publish paper in European psychology journal . In: The Korea Times . August 14, 2014. Retrieved February 24, 2015.
  13. Intervjuu JEPS-i peatoimetaja Katharina Brechtiga ( Estonian ) Eesti Psühholoogide Liidu Laualeht. Autumn 2014. Retrieved February 2, 2015.
  14. EBSCO Information Services
  15. M. King, F. Dablander, L. Jakob, M. Agan, F. Huber, J. Haslbeck, K. Brecht: Registered Reports for Student Research . In: Journal of European Psychology Students . 7, No. 1, 2016, pp. 20-23. doi : 10.5334 / jeps.401 .