European Organization of Islamic Centers

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The European Organization of Islamic Centers (French Organization européenne des centres islamiques ; OECI; English European Organization of Islamic Centers ; EOIC) was founded in 2015 in the Geneva suburb of Onex . The co-founder and president of the Muslim organization is Ziane Mehadjri, an Algerian - Swiss Islamic theologian of the Wahhabi school , who worked as an imam at the Geneva mosque for many years . According to the entry at the cantonal commercial register office of Geneva (Genève), the purpose of this organization is to :

“Maintenance material et logistique des centers islamiques en Europe; participation à la prize en charge de la location, de la construction et de la rénovation des centres islamiques en Europe, évolution du rôle des centres islamiques en Europe au sein de la société; prize en charge de la formation et du financement des prédicateurs et des imams des centres islamiques en Europe, mise en commun des perspectives et des projets visant à faire connaître l'islam et son prophète. (dt. material and logistical support (maintenance) of Islamic centers in Europe; participation in taking over the rent, building and renovation of Islamic centers in Europe, changing the role of Islamic centers in Europe within society; taking over the Training and promotion of preachers and imams at Islamic centers in Europe , to share jointly the perspectives and projects that aim to promote Islam and its prophet . ) "

According to the entry, your funds consist of:

"Dons, legs, parrainage, subventions publiques et privées, cotisations, produits des activités, toute autre ressource autorisée par la loi ( gifts, legacies, sponsorship, public and private grants, contributions, activity products, any other legally permitted resource )"

According to Reinhard Schulze , an Islamic scholar who teaches at the University of Bern , the organization is clearly supported by Saudi Arabia , and Ziane Mehadjri is also on the Board of Trustees of the Al-Hikma Mosque in Lausanne together with the OECI founder Boualam Bella . The organization has representatives from "14 European countries". In December 2016, a conference hosted by the organization was held in The Hague , the Netherlands .

See also

References and footnotes

  1. ^ Registre du Commerce du Canton de Genève: Organization européenne des centres islamiques (OECI)
  2. ^ Registre du Commerce du Canton de Genève: Organization européenne des centres islamiques (OECI)
  3. ^ Radical Muslims in Europe: Arab money for Swiss mosques NZZ am Sonntag by Andreas Schmid, Lukas Häuptli (13.11.2016)
  4. "Bella Boualam, de Lausanne, à Carrouge VD" (Commercial Register of the Canton of Geneva)
  5. Reinhard Schulze from: Radical Muslims in Europe: Arab money for Swiss mosques - NZZ am Sonntag by Andreas Schmid, Lukas Häuptli (November 13, 2016)
  6. ;
  7. European Islamic Conference in December - (Arabic) - accessed on March 26, 2017
  8. ^ Hate preacher in Aargau: Imam von Aarburg denies allegations - Fabian Hägler and Rebekka Balzarini (last updated on November 22, 2016) Aargauer Zeitung


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