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Onex coat of arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of GenevaCanton of Geneva Geneva (GE)
District : No district division
BFS no. : 6631i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 1213
Coordinates : 496 641  /  115538 coordinates: 46 ° 11 '0 "  N , 6 ° 6' 0"  O ; CH1903:  496641  /  115538
Height : 427  m above sea level M.
Height range : 369–433 m above sea level M.
Area : 2.81  km²
Residents: i18,964 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 6749 inhabitants per km²
Proportion of foreigners :
(residents without
citizenship )
36.3% (December 31, 2018)
Onex Cité

Onex Cité

Location of the municipality
Genfersee Frankreich Céligny Kanton Waadt Aire-la-Ville Anières Avully Avusy Bardonnex Bellevue GE Bernex GE Carouge Cartigny GE Céligny Chancy Chêne-Bougeries Chêne-Bourg Choulex Collex-Bossy Collonge-Bellerive Cologny Confignon Corsier GE Dardagny Genf Genthod Gy GE Hermance Jussy GE Laconnex Lancy Le Grand-Saconnex Meinier Meyrin Onex Perly-Certoux Plan-les-Ouates Pregny-Chambésy Presinge Puplinge Russin Satigny Soral GE Thônex Troinex Vandœuvres Vernier Versoix Veyrier GEMap of Onex
About this picture

Onex is a municipality in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland . The inhabitants are called Onésiens .


Onex is located south of the Rhone and north of the Aire , about 5 km southwest of the center of Geneva . The neighboring municipalities are south Plan-les-Ouates , west Confignon and Bernex , north Vernier and southeast Lancy . Onex is connected to Geneva's public transport network by tram line 14 and several bus routes.


Population development
year 1860 1900 1950 1960 1970 2000 2010 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017
Residents 261 279 958 2128 13524 16419 17642 17851 18305 18635 18825 18869

The city has 18,964 inhabitants, 36% of whom are foreigners.

Between 1900 and 2010, the population of Onex increased by more than 60 times, i.e. from 279 (on the 40th place out of 45 Geneva municipalities) to 17,642 inhabitants (sixth largest municipality in Geneva). Around 80% of the population are French as their mother tongue, followed by 4.7% Italian as their mother tongue.


Legislative - Local Council

Distribution of seats in 2020
7th 11 4th 4th 
A total of 31 seats

|} The legislative power is exercised by the municipal council (conseil municipal) . It has 31 seats and is elected directly by the people every five years using proportional representation with a 7 percent hurdle. The municipal council determines the city budget and votes on submissions from the city government (conseil administratif) . He can also launch initiatives himself. The graphic on the right shows the distribution of seats after the last municipal elections in March 2020.

Town twinning

Onex maintains partnerships with


  • Salle Communale d'Onex

See also


Web links

Commons : Onex  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .
  2. Population résidante selon l'origine et le sexe, par commune, depuis 2013 . (XLS, 147 kB) In: Statistical Office of the Canton of Geneva ( Office cantonal de la statistique  - OCSTAT), March 7, 2019, accessed on May 2, 2019 (French).
  3. Élection des conseils municipaux du 15 mars 2020. Retrieved on March 15, 2020 (French).
  4. Salle Communale d'Onex on ETHorama