European economic government

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A European economic government is understood to mean various proposed, so far unrealized models for institutions of European ( European Economic and Monetary Union or European Union ) economic policy. In the discussion on the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, the term mostly referred to the question of the independence of the European Central Bank : While in Germany the Bundesbank was kept away from any political access and was only committed to the goal of price stability , in France and others European Countries the central banks were under the control of the government and were also used for their economic policy goals. In the negotiations on the EMU, the stability-oriented German approach prevailed; however, the demand for a European economic government was retained later. Traditionally it is mainly demanded by the French government, but rejected by Germany.

Common economic and industrial policy

A European economic government would enable a common fiscal and active economic policy in the EU, as desired by part of the political spectrum, but rejected by others. The EU cannot levy taxes itself, and the European Union's own resources managed by the European Commission are neither so extensive nor so variably taxable that they would be suitable for an active economic policy. If an active economic policy is desired in principle or in special situations, this is a matter for the individual member states, which only coordinate themselves voluntarily. The same applies to wage policy , since collective bargaining regulations are mostly limited to national borders. France has therefore repeatedly called for such measures to be bundled more closely. However, this French position was mostly combined with the demand for a more active EU industrial policy , which was rejected in Germany as a step towards the wrong state interventionism in terms of regulatory policy .

The conflict became important in the financial crisis from 2007 , when all member states drew up national economic programs that were merely coordinated by the European Commission. Even if the direct disadvantage of members of other member states is not permitted within the framework of the European internal market , these different economic policy approaches could lead to imbalances between the individual EU states. For example, in 2008 Ireland's announced guarantee for its national banks put the other member states under pressure to follow suit with similar means. Germany, on the other hand, was mainly accused by the French of having increased its productivity and competitiveness more than the other EU countries for several years through moderate wage increases and thus having contributed to imbalances.

During the euro crisis, calls for a European economic government increased by certain political currents and were also taken up by the President of the European Central Bank , Jean-Claude Trichet . Finally, the German government under Angela Merkel agreed to set up a European economic government. However, this should start at the level of the entire EU, not just the euro countries, and should be led by the European Council , not by the European Commission or by any new institutions to be created. For economic policy decisions, a consensus of all EU member states would continue to be required.

In order to facilitate coordination within the EU, there is also a proposal to unite various euro-relevant offices in the form of a double hat , namely that of the Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs , the Chairman of the Council for Economic and Financial Affairs and the Chairman of the Euro Group . This proposal was made in a report by MEP Pervenche Berès and was approved by the European Parliament. Internal Market Commissioner Michel Barnier made a similar proposal in a Humboldt speech on Europe in May 2011. However, it would require a reform of the AEU Treaty and thus the approval and ratification of all member states.

Plans and criticism

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been campaigning for an EU economic government for a long time. In order to improve the coordination of economic and financial policy, a joint economic government of the euro countries is to be formed, consisting of a body that would meet twice a year. It would include the 17 heads of state and government of the euro zone .

As part of the reform of the European Economic and Monetary Union , the EU institutions have also passed laws that can be interpreted in terms of a common economic government. In future, the EU Commission can intervene in the national budget planning of the 19 euro countries and have a say in tax legislation, wage developments and social benefits.

The difficulties in defining the “European economic government” also affect the public debate in Germany. It was initially said that the CSU criticized Angela Merkel's efforts. Shortly thereafter, however, it was announced that the party supported the plans. It was only later that the CSU declared that it stood behind the Chancellor in overcoming the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area , but that it was strictly against a European economic government or a European finance minister.

At the end of August 2011, the federal executive board of the Greens called for "greater coordination of economic and tax policy in a real European economic government that is legitimized and controlled by the European Parliament".

Left-wing critics reject a European economic government because they fear that it would cement neoliberal principles. Conservatives see a European economic government drastically increasing the EU's democratic deficit.

In a survey of German economics professors carried out in October 2011 on behalf of the Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft , 60 out of 96 academics stated that the Eurozone does not need a common economic government. 33 experts voted for it. Most of the economists surveyed also reject a common fiscal policy (52 votes against).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Frankfurter Allgemeine , June 15, 2010: A semblance of unity .
  2. ^ Tagesschau , November 26, 2008: The economic stimulus packages in the individual EU countries .
  3. Die Welt , October 4, 2008: Most important EU states want to support banks .
  4. ^ Die Zeit , March 15, 2010: Neighbors complain about low wages in Germany .
  5. ^ Spiegel online , May 31, 2010: Trichet calls for European economic government .
  6. Financial Times Deutschland , June 15, 2010: European Economic Government: Merkel smacks a minimum consensus against Sarkozy ( memento of June 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ).
  7. EurActiv , Oct 15, 2010: Parliament to support "Mr" or "Ms Euro" plan .
  8. EurActiv 10 May 2011: Barnier dreams of the President of Europe .
  9. EU economic government - Merkel comes under pressure , Die Welt, February 5, 2011
  10. ^ Clear the way for European economic government , Handelsblatt, August 17, 2011
  11. Glossary for the rescue parachute ,
  12. CSU supports Merkel's plans for the euro , Die Welt, August 27, 2011
  13. CSU against EU economic government ( Memento of the original from May 23, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ,, August 29, 2011  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  14. ^ Greens demand European economic government ,, August 30, 2011
  15. No to this EU economic government! ( Memento of the original from August 1, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Attac, June 23, 2011  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  16. European economic government without control? ( Memento of the original from September 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Cicero online, August 17, 2011  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  17. Most economists oppose European economic government , Initiative Neue Soziale Marktwirtschaft, October 21, 2011