Action Committee Child in Hospital

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The Aktionkomitee Kind im Krankenhaus eV (AKIK) is a German non-profit association based in Frankfurt am Main . He wants to secure parent-child contact from birth, contribute to the well-being of children in hospitals , create the conditions to avert emotional harm to children in hospitals and demand the rights of children in hospitals, as they are in the charter for children in Hospital - or the same wording in the EACH charter . The association was founded in 1968. The members work exclusively on a voluntary basis .


The association is committed to children in hospitals

  • who don't understand what is happening to them.
  • who cannot cope in the hospital without their parents.
  • who have never been away from home.
  • who are suddenly ill.
  • who have fantasies and fears ( phobias ).
  • who are unprepared for such a situation .
  • who have good and bad hospital experiences .
  • who already know the hospital well.

In addition, this association sees its task in this

  • Raise public awareness of the specific needs of children in hospital.
  • Shaping the interaction between parents and hospital staff.
  • To promote further training measures in children's nursing schools.
  • To inform political leaders, the public and the media .
  • To advise and support children, young people, parents and caregivers .


The association emerged from a parents' initiative headed by Irm Folkers with the aim of opening the children's hospitals and departments for parents. At that time, parents were only allowed to visit their sick children by the hour at most. The individual initiatives were later extended to all of Germany and have been combined in a federal association with headquarters in Frankfurt since 1997.


The AKIK is made up of regional contact persons, local groups, state associations and the federal association:

  • Landesverband Baden-Württemberg eV (with local groups Gaggenau / Baden-Baden / Rastatt, Schopfheim / Lörrach)
  • Frankfurt branch
  • Local association Idar-Oberstein
  • Local branch Wiesbaden


The AKIK is networked with numerous regional, national and international associations and institutions:

  • BaKuK (Federal Working Group on Children in Hospitals)
  • GKind (Society for Children's Hospitals and Children's Wards in Germany)
  • German League for the Child
  • Children's network
  • The happy sick room
  • National Coalition and European Association for Children in Hospital

Projects such as:



  • Action Committee KIND IM KRANKENHAUS e. V .: Architectural guidelines for children's hospitals. Frankfurt 2007.


  • Christine Grotensohn: Our child in the hospital. A guide for parents and everyone who has to do with sick children. Rowohlt Sachbuch Bd. 60328. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek 1999. ISBN 3-499-60328-4
  • Erika Schamberger, Kati Prüfer (Red.): Regensburg women's handbook. Edited by the Equal Opportunities Office of the City of Regensburg. Regensburg 1995, 2005, pp. 37, 38.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Charter with explanations on the homepage of the AKIK Federal Association
  2. EACH- charter with Annotations
  3. Detailed chronicle on the website of the AKIK Bundesverband eV (PDF; 75 kB)