European Cultural Villages

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The Cultural Villages of Europe , actually English Cultural Villages of Europe , is an association of 12 European villages: Wijk aan Zee (Netherlands), Mellionnec (France), Bystré (Czech Republic), Pergine Valdarno (Italy), Aldeburgh (United Kingdom), Paxos (Greece ), Killingi Nomme (Estonia), Schachdorf Ströbeck (Germany), Palkonya (Hungary), Porrúa (Spain), Tommerup (Denmark) and Kirchheim (Austria).

The association is based in Wijk aan Zee.


On December 10, 1999, the representatives of 11 European villages in Wijk aan Zee signed a charter with the aim of promoting village life wherever possible. It was seen that village life is important for the future and prosperity of Europe. In 2001 representatives from Kirchheim also decided to join the group. In 1999 Wijk aan Zee started out as a hosting cultural village, and since then a different village has been the cultural village of Europe every year. There are several cultural exchanges where the special features of the villages are presented. In conferences, topics that affect all villages are discussed. Every summer, young people from the villages meet in the Youth Camp, work on a project and have a lot of fun getting to know each other.

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Individual evidence
