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Bernard Xavier Philippe de Marigny de Mandeville (1785–1868) is credited with developing craps. Mandeville was President of the Louisiana Senate from 1822-23

Craps or Craps shooting or Seven Eleven is a dice game that is particularly popular in the USA . Craps is a simplification of the Old English game Hazard , which Bernard de Mandeville from New Orleans is said to have introduced in 1813.

The name craps is derived from the English word Crab , dt. Krabbe , from the common to the 16th century term for the flip of a Einser- doublet .

The rules of private game

The basic rules

One player, the so-called shooter , bets a certain amount (the banco ), the other players, the faders , bet against it. When the bets are made, the shooter rolls two dice at the same time .

The shooter throws in the first throw

  • the sum of 7 or 11, he has a natural and wins immediately.
  • if the total is 2, 3 or 12 it is a crap and it loses immediately.
  • if the total is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10, the total rolled is his point and the shooter rolls the dice again.

From the second throw:

  • If the shooter rolls the same total as in the first roll, i.e. his point, he wins.
  • If the shooter rolls the sum total of 7, he loses (“Seven - out of the game”).
  • If he rolls any other total, he rolls again.

If the shooter wins, he may keep the dice and continue playing; However, he is then not allowed to take any profits from the bank. If the shooter loses because he threw a crap in the first roll, he may - if he wants - also keep the dice and place a new banco. The shooter can, however, also pass the dice on to his right neighbor.

If the shooter loses by rolling a seven, he must pass the dice on to his right-hand neighbor.

The shooter wins with a probability of 244/495 or 49.29%; it is therefore at a disadvantage compared to the faders, the advantage of the faders is approx. 1.41%.
In a single game, an average of 3.4 throws are required before a decision can be made about win or loss ( expected playing time).

Further rules and additions

Craps dice are also African Dominoes called

In craps, it is common to throw the dice against a wall by hand, dice cups are not used. Craps dice, also called African Dominoes , are red, transparent and have sharp edges and corners (i.e. are not rounded), the eyes are represented by large white full circles.

If the faders total less than the banco, the shooter may take out the difference.

If the faders set a higher total than the current total, the shooter can, if he wants, bring the difference into the banco and keep the game in full. If the shooter does not want to raise the banco, the bets apply according to the following rule:

  • First is the first game of the shooter, then applies the use of the player who just has the cubes emit need , and then the stakes of the players at the right hand of the shooter to reach the bank amount.
  • If the shooter has just won a game, the stake of the player who made the highest stake in the previous game applies first, and then the stakes of the players to the right of the shooter until the bank amount is reached. The same applies to the first game of the shooter if the previous shooter has given up the dice voluntarily .
  • If the shooter has just lost a game by throwing a crap and placed a new bank, the stake of the player who made the highest stake applies first, and then the stakes of the players to the right of the shooter until the bank amount is reached.

Apart from the actual game, the participants themselves can various side bets ( side bets ) to complete such. B. that in the next roll a certain number falls or does not fall, that a certain number falls before a seven, or not etc.

In the casino game, these side bets are not placed by the players among themselves, but against the casino ( The House ).

The rules of the casino game


game schedule

In the casino game , players do not bet with each other, but against the casino. As a shooter, each player may roll the dice until he loses a point roll. The shooter does not have to keep the stakes of the other players, he does not even have to bet on pass , i.e. win of the shooter (which, however, most players do).

The betting offer

The betting offer of the casino game is not completely uniform, so that the following overview should only be viewed as a guide; not all casinos offer all of the bets listed, there are differences in the payout percentages etc.


The bet on pass is the same as the original game of craps. You bet that the shooter will win, i.e. that he will either roll a natural (i.e. a 7 or an 11) on his first roll, the come out roll, or a point (a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10) and hits that point again before rolling a 7.

The only difference to private craps is that you don't bet against the other players, but against the casino - which is of course insignificant for the player. As in private craps, the payout ratio is 1: 1, the probability of winning is 49.29%, the bank advantage is 1.41%.

Don't pass

The bet on Do not pass or shortly Do not is not exactly the opposite of the bet on pass. The following applies:

The bet on Don't wins even money (i.e. with odds 1: 1)

  • if the shooter throws a crap 2 or crap 3 in the first throw
  • if the shooter throws a point in the first throw and a seven is thrown before the point is thrown again.

The bet on Don't is stand off , or a tie. In other words, it does not win, but also does not lose if the shooter rolls a Crap 12 (or in some casinos Crap 2) in the come out roll.

The bet on Don't loses if Pass wins.

Due to the stand off on a roll of Crap 12, the bet on Don't wins in 49.30% of the valid games, resulting in a bank advantage of 1.40%. Without the stand off, the players would have an advantage over the casino when betting on Don't, just like the faders would have an advantage over the shooter in private craps.

The bets on Don't Pass and Don't Come (see below) are also referred to as the dark side .

Odds bets

If you have made a bet on pass and the shooter threw a point, you can now place an odds bet , an additional bet , which is offered by the casino at fair odds - i.e. without a bank advantage.

Most American casinos offer double odds . That is, you can bet up to double the original stake as an odds bet.

The following applies:

  • Sum 4, sum 10: odds 2: 1, probability of winning 1/3;
  • Total 5, 09: odds 3: 2, probability of winning 2/5;
  • Total 6, 08: odds 6: 5, odds 5/11;

Example : A player bets $ 10 on pass, the shooter rolls the point 9 on his come out roll. The player can now bet an additional $ 20 on the 9 at double odds. If the shooter rolls a 9 before the losing 7, the player receives a 1: 1 win of $ 10 for his $ 10 pass bet and a 3: 2 win of $ 30 for his $ 20 bet on the 9 , so a total of $ 40. Of course, he also receives his stake of $ 30 back, i.e. $ 70 gross.

Odds on don't pass

If you have made a bet on Don't pass and the shooter has thrown a point, you can also make an additional bet at fair odds. The amount of the stake depends on the possible profit. With double odds, you can only bet so much that the profit is just double the original bet.

The following applies:

  • Total 4, 10: odds 1: 2, maximum 4 times the original bet,
  • Total 5, 09: odds 2: 3, maximum 3 times the original bet,
  • Total 6, 08: Odds 5: 6, maximum 2.4 times the original bet.

Example : A player bets $ 10 on Don't pass, the shooter throws point 9 on his come out roll. The player can now bet an additional $ 30 on 9 at double odds. If the shooter rolls a 7 before a 9, the player receives a 1: 1 win of $ 10 for his $ 10 bet on Don't pass and a 2-3 win of $ 20 for his $ 30 bet the 9 for a total of $ 30. His stake of $ 40 in total will of course also be returned, i.e. $ 70 gross.

If you play the bets on pass or don't pass with double odds, the bank advantage is reduced from 1.4% to 0.6%; these bets are among the most favorable bets for the player that can be found in casinos.

Come and don't come

The bets on Come and Don't come are the same as the bets on Pass and Don't pass, the difference being that the latter can only be placed before the shooter's come out roll, while the former can be placed at any time.

If a player bets on come , he wins if a 7 or 11 is dropped in the next roll or a come point , i.e. H. a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 is detected and hit again before the next 7.

The bet on Don't come wins if a 2 or 3 is scored in the next roll or a come point is determined and a 7 is scored before the come point is hit again. If the next roll is a 12 (or in some casinos a 2), the bet on Don't come is a stand-off, i.e. a tie; in all other cases the bet is lost.

Analogous to the odds bets on pass and don't pass, odds bets on come and don't come are also offered.

One roll bets or proposition bets

In this group of bets you bet that a certain number will be scored in the next roll .

  • Crap 2 : You bet that the total number of eyes will be 2 in the next roll, payout 30 to 1, probability of winning 1/36, bank advantage 13.9%.
  • Crap 3 : You bet that the total number of eyes will be 3 in the next roll, payout 15 to 1, probability of winning 1/18, bank advantage 11, 1%.
  • Seven : You bet that the next roll will result in a total of 7, payout 4 to 1, probability of winning 1/6, bank advantage 16.7%.
  • Eleven : You bet that the total number of eyes will be 11 in the next roll, payout 15 to 1, probability of winning 1/18, bank advantage 11.1%.
  • Crap 12 : You bet that the total number of eyes will be 12 in the next roll, payout 30 to 1, probability of winning 1/36, bank advantage 13.9%.
  • Any Crap : You bet that one of the sums of 2, 3 or 12 will come up in the next roll, payout 7 to 1, probability of winning 1/9, bank advantage 11.1%.
  • Field : You bet that one of the sum of 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12 will come up in the next roll; Payout 1: 1 for totals 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11; 2: 1 on 2 or 12, bank advantage 5.6%. With this bet, however, there are big differences in the various casinos, regarding the totals in the field or the payout percentages.

The bets in this group are all very detrimental to the player. The best bet is on field (as described above); the casino advantage is 5.6%; with the other bets it is between 11.1% and 16.7% (bet on Seven).

  • Horn or C and E is a common announcement bet: This means that the player makes one bet each on Crap 2, Crap 3, Crap 12 and Eleven. Depending on which payout percentages are offered for the individual bets, there are different winnings for 2 or 12 and 3 or 11 from casino to casino.

Place bets and buy bets

Place bets

With the so-called place bets (also: place (to) win ) you bet that a certain number will fall before the next seven .

  • 4 : You bet that the total number 4 will fall before the next 7, payout 9 to 5, odds of 1/3, bank advantage 6.67%.
  • 5 : You bet that the total 5 will fall before the next 7, payout 7 to 5, probability of winning 2/5, bank advantage 4.00%
  • SIX : You bet that the total 6 will fall before the next 7, payout 7 to 6, probability of winning 5/11, bank advantage 1.52%.
  • 8 : You bet that the total 8 will fall before the next 7, payout 7 to 6, probability of win 5/11, bank advantage 1.52%.
  • NINE : You bet that the total 9 will fall before the next 7, payout 7 to 5, probability of winning 2/5, bank advantage 4.00%.
  • 10 : You bet that the total 10 will fall before the next 7, payout 9 to 5, odds of 1/3, bank advantage 6.67%.

In most American casinos, the rule applies that place bets are not decided by a shooter's come out roll, they are off : d. i.e. if a 7 falls in the come out roll, the place bets do not lose; If the number staked in the come out roll falls, you do not win. After the come out roll, place bets are on again , i.e. H. valid, and can win or lose.

  • All across : If a player wants to bet on the other box numbers after a point has been determined in the come out roll , he does so with the announcement " all across ": with a bet of $ 5 on pass and a come point of 5, this announcement means that the player will place additional place bets on 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10, at $ 5 each on 4, 9, and 10, and $ 6 each on 6 and 8.

Some casinos, e.g. B. the Austrian offer for SIX and 8 only even money , i. H. a payout ratio of 1: 1, the bank advantage is 9.09%.

In American casinos you will also find fields Big 6 and Big 8 on the craps tableaux . H. the same bets, which are offered as place bets with the odds 7: 6, with the odds 1: 1 - these bets should of course never be made because you can bet on the same event at a higher rate.

Place bets can be changed after each throw.

Buy bets

Buy bets are basically identical to place bets; Here you get the fair [ sic ] payout quotas against payment of a 5% commission , i. H. those that are also used for the odds bets . The bank advantage for buy bets is generally 4.76%; With numbers 4 and 10, the buy-bet is therefore preferable to the place bet.

Example : If a player wants to buy $ 100 as a buy bet on the four , he must first pay $ 5 in commission. In the lucky case, he will receive a profit of $ 200 on top of his $ 100 bet.
This game can also be described as follows: The player actually risks not just $ 100, but $ 105 and receives an additional $ 195 if he wins.
Since the probability of winning with the number four is just 1/3, this results in a bank advantage of 5/105 = 4.76%

In some casinos the 5% commission of a buy bet is only payable in the event of a win; however, there is no commission on a losing bet. If this rule is applied, the bank advantage is reduced to 1.67% for numbers 4 and 10, to 2% for 5 and 9 and to 2.27% for 6 and 8, so that the buy-bet also for numbers 5 and 9 the place bet is preferable.

Lay bets

Lay bets are the counterpart to buy bets, here you bet that a seven will come before the total wagered. These bets are offered at fair odds, but a commission of 5% of the possible profit has to be paid beforehand ; this is how the casino secures its advantage.

  • Lay 4 : You bet that the total of 7 will come before the next 4. The payout is - 5% + 1: 2, the probability of winning 2/3,.
Example : If you bet $ 200 you get $ 100 if you win, the possible win is $ 100, i. H. A commission of $ 5 must be paid in advance.
This game can also be described as follows: The player actually risks not just $ 200, but $ 205 and receives an additional $ 95 if he wins.
Since the probability of winning with the number four is just 2/3, the result is a bank advantage of 5/205 = 2.4%

Analogous to the other lay bets:

  • Lay 50 : You bet that the total 7 will fall before the next 5, payout - 5% + 2: 3, probability of winning 3/5, bank advantage 3.2%
  • Lay 60 : You bet that the total 7 will fall before the next 6, payout - 5% + 5: 6, probability of winning 6/11, bank advantage 4.0%.
  • Lay 80 : You bet that the total 7 will fall before the next 8, payout - 5% + 5: 6, probability of winning 6/11, bank advantage 4.0%.
  • Lay 90 : You bet that the total 7 will fall before the next 9, payout - 5% + 2: 3, probability of winning 3/5, bank advantage 3.2%.
  • Lay 10 : You bet that the total 7 will fall before the next 10, payout - 5% + 1: 2, probability of winning 2/3, bank advantage 2.4%.

The same applies to lay bets: In some casinos, the 5% commission is not due if the bet is lost, but only in the event of a win. The bank advantage is reduced to the same value as with a buy bet on the same number. When applying this rule, the lay bet is also cheaper for the player than the corresponding place-to-lose bet for numbers 5 and 9.

Some casinos offer lay bets under the name Place (to) loose . These bets are not placed against payment of a commission of 5%, instead the following payout percentages apply:

  • Lay 4 , Lay 10 : Payout 5 to 11, bank advantage 3.0%
  • Lay 5 , Lay 90 : Payout 5 to 8, bank advantage 2.5%
  • Lay 6 , Lay 80 : Payout 4 to 5, bank advantage 1.8%

Hard way bets

An even number, e.g. B. 8, can be achieved either in the so-called hard way with the doublet 4-4 or in the soft way with a 6-2 or 5-3 throw. With hard way bets, you now bet that a certain (even) total will come up as a doublet, before a corresponding soft way and before a seven.

  • Hard 4 : wins on 2-2, loses on 3-1 or a 7, payout 7 to 1, odds of 1/9, bank advantage 11.1%.
  • Hard 6 : wins on 3-3, loses on 5-1, 4-2 or a 7, pays 9 to 1, odds of 1/11, bank advantage 9.1%.
  • Hard 8 : wins on 4-4, loses on 6-2, 5-3 or a 7, pays 9 to 1, odds of 1/11, bank advantage 9.1%.
  • Hard 10 : wins on 5-5, loses on 6-4 or a 7, payout 7 to 1, probability of win 1/9, bank advantage 11.1%.

European Seven Eleven

Craps was the first dice game to find its way into the Monte Carlo casino - for a long time, dice games were not considered elegant enough to run in a casino.

In European casinos, a simplified variant is often offered under the name European Seven Eleven : this game has no odds bets, no bets on come or don't come, no buy bets, no lay bets, place bets on 6 and 8 only pay even money - the most favorable bets for the player (namely the odds bets and the place bets on 6 and 8 with odds 7: 6) have been deleted.

Card craps

Since in some areas of the USA the game of dice was frowned upon, but the card game was tolerated, card craps was invented. You use the aces, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s of two (or even three) packs of playing cards, i.e. That is, you play with 48 (or 72) cards. Instead of throwing two dice, you turn up two cards.

The same rules apply as when playing with dice, when playing with cards there are additional betting options : the double hard way bets : Here you bet that a certain even number before a seven will be the next with two identical cards (i.e. the same value and same color). For example, a bet on double hard 6 wins if the 6 is represented by one of the four options ( 3– 3), ( 3– 3), ( 3– 3) or ( 3– 3) becomes; the bet loses if the total of 6 falls in any other way or a 7 appears.


  • Claus Grupp: Games of chance with balls, dice and cards. Falken Verlag, Wiesbaden 1976.
  • Albert H. Morehead, Richard L. Frey, Geoffrey Mott-Smith: The New Complete Hoyle Revised. Doubleday, New York 1991.
  • Victor H. Royer: Casino Magazine's Play Smart and Win. New York 1994.
  • John Scarne : Scarne on Dice. 8th revised edition. Hollywood, n.d.
  • Casinos Austria rulebook

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Craps - Wizard of Odds. Retrieved April 7, 2019 .