Eurypylos (son of Dexamenus)

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Eurypylos ( Greek  Εὐρύπυλος ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

Eurypylos was - according to Greek mythology - a son of King Dexamenos of Olenos and accompanied Heracles on his journey towards Troy . According to a version of the legend reported by the Greek travel writer Pausanias , but rejected by him, Eurypylos was identified by some authors with the hero of the same name from Patrai , who had lost his mind due to the sight of the image of Dionysus Aisymnetes kept in a sacred ark . According to this version, Eurypylos is said to have received the ark from Heracles. Pausanias puts forward three reasons against this tradition, the third of which is the most valid: According to this, the inhabitants of Patrais themselves only worshiped the son of Euaimon, who is also called Eurypylos , as a hero and told the story of his madness when he saw the statue of the gods and his later ones Cure.



  1. Pausanias , Description of Greece 7, 19, 9f.