Eusebius (Bishop of Rome)

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Eusebius ( Greek : the God-fearing ; † August 17, 309 in Sicily ) was Bishop of Rome for a short time .

According to the Liberian papal catalog , he was bishop of Rome from April 18 to August 17, 309. The dispute that had begun under Marcellus I about the resumption of Christians who had fallen away during the persecution by Diocletian continued under him. Eusebius advocated a return of the apostates after a period of penance. The dispute over this led to riots and violence. Emperor Maxentius banished him and his opponent Heraclius to Sicily , where Eusebius died. His body was probably brought to Rome in 311 and buried in the Catacomb of Calixtus . After his death, the office of bishop was vacant for a while.

Some sources put his death and, accordingly, his term of office a year later. Accordingly, he would have been bishop of Rome in 310 and would have died that year.

He is venerated as a martyr and a saint . His feast day is August 17th (previously September 26th).

See also


Web links

Commons : Eusebius  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Marcellus I. Bishop of Rome
(the term Pope was first used after 384)