Eva Marschang

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Eva Marschang (born April 10, 1930 in Sânmartin ( German  Sanktmartin , Kingdom of Romania )) is a former university teacher and literary researcher in Timișoara , German and religion teacher as well as interpreter and translator in Heidelberg .

Live and act

The German Pedagogical Lyceum in the mother house of the former Notre Dame monastery school in Timișoara

Eva Marschang was born in Sânmartin as the daughter of the farmer Anton Kugler and Rosalia née Possmayer. After primary school in her home parish, she attended the convent school Institute of the Poor School Sisters Notre Dame Timișoara in the Iosefin district from 1941 . After the school reform of 1948 in Romania, which ordered the nationalization of "all denominational or private schools", she attended the German Pedagogical Lyceum Timișoara, which was founded on October 1, 1948 in the premises of the former Notre Dame monastery. From 1950 to 1954 she studied German and Romanian languages ​​in Bucharest , where she passed the state examination in 1954. Her diploma thesis dealt with Heinrich Mann's ideological position as reflected in the Henri Quatre novels.

Even during her studies (1950–1952) Eva Kugler worked as a proofreader for the Bucharest German-language newspaper Neuer Weg , but was dismissed in 1952 for political reasons. In 1953 she passed the state-certified translator exam at the Institute of Linguistics and from 1954 worked as a translator for the Romanian press agency Agerpres . From 1958 to 1959 she worked as a proofreader for the German local newspaper Die Truth in Timișoara.

1959 Eva Mars Chang came through a bidding process as a research assistant for German Studies Department of the West University Timişoara . After the imprisonment of Hans Weresch , lecturer for German language and literature, she took over the lectures in the department “History of German Literature from the Beginnings to the 19th Century”. Until 1976 she worked as a lecturer at the Department of German Studies at Timisoara University, where she gave lectures on the literature of the Classical, Baroque and Medieval periods. In addition to interpretation seminars for her lectures, Eva Marschang held stylistic, translation and grammar seminars.

In 1976 she moved with her family to the Federal Republic of Germany, where she worked as a German and religion teacher at the Hölderlin Gymnasium in Heidelberg until she retired. She completed further training in religion at the Archdiocese of Freiburg . In the 1980s she held a specialty course on the great German realists and surrealists of the 20th century. She also looked after the high school students with Romanian as a second foreign language. She also works as an interpreter for Romanian for authorities and courts.

Publications (selection)

  • Nikolaus Lenau: Selected poems. Lyric-epic poems , Bucharest 1965
  • Heinrich Heine: A new song. Poems and prose writings , Bucharest 1965
  • Storm and stress. Youth publishing house, Bucharest 1968
  • History of Old German Literature , Timișoara 1969
  • History of German Literature in the 17th Century , Timișoara 1971
  • The German Enlightenment Literature in the 18th Century (1700-1770) , Timișoara 1972
  • Christoph Martin Wieland: History of the Abderites , Bucharest 1976
  • Articles and reviews on books from Southeastern Europe for newspapers and magazines in Germany and Romania.

Translations (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d University professor at the Department of German Studies at the West University of Timișoara (PDF; 3.1 MB), Hans Gehl