Everett V. Stonequist

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Everett V. Stonequist (born October 5, 1901 in Worcester , Massachusetts , † March 26, 1979 ) was an American sociologist . He belongs to the Chicago School of Sociology and wrote a classic of sociology with his book on the Marginal Man .

After studying history and sociology at various universities, he received his doctorate in 1930 at the University of Chicago . In 1937 he systematized the concept of marginalized people from two cultures by his teacher Robert E. Park to make a significant contribution to cultural sociology .

Stonequist taught and researched at the University of Hawaii , Duke University , the University of Missouri and for decades until 1970 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York . The college presents him with the Everett V. Stonequist Award in his honor .

Individual evidence

  1. Everett V. Stonequist: The Marginal Man. A Study in Personality and Culture Conflict. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York 1937; Reprint: Russell & Russell, 1961.
  2. ^ Rolf Lindner: Robert E. Park (1864-1944). In: Dirk Kaesler : Classics of Sociology . Volume I: From Auguste Comte to Alfred Schütz . 4th edition, Munich 2003, pp. 213-229, here p. 220.
  3. Honors from Skidmore College