Cluster of Excellence MATH +

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The Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH + is an interdisciplinary and cross-institutional research network in which all of Berlin's mathematics is involved. It has been funded as a cluster of excellence by the German Research Foundation ( DFG ) since January 2019 as part of the excellence strategy of the federal and state governments and will run for seven years. The official opening took place in May 2019.

MATH +: Research Center for Berlin Mathematics
Category: Research association, cluster of excellence
Consist: since January 2019
Facility location: Berlin
Type of research: Application-oriented mathematics in cooperation with other scientific disciplines, further development of mathematics and opening of new mathematical thinking spaces
Areas of expertise: Mathematics as well as mathematical applications in the life, material, network and communication sciences, energy research, transportation, humanities and social sciences
Management: Christof Schütte (FU Berlin and ZIB); Michael Hintermüller (HU Berlin and WIAS); Martin Skutella (TU Berlin)

Institutions involved

As a research center for Berlin mathematics, the MATH + excellence cluster is supported by the three major Berlin universities ( Technical University Berlin , Humboldt University Berlin , Free University Berlin ) and the two mathematical research institutes WIAS ( Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics ) and ZIB ( Konrad -Zuse Center for Information Technology Berlin ). More than 100 international interdisciplinary research groups work under the umbrella of MATH +.


Application-oriented mathematics is promoted in collaboration with other scientific disciplines in order to make progress on key issues in a variety of application fields. The influence of digitization opens up new opportunities for cooperation with other scientific disciplines. These include B. the life and material sciences as well as subjects dealing with networks , communication , energy , traffic and transportation . In cooperation with industry and society , mathematical models are used to cope with future problems such as sustainable energy supply , individualized medicine or the analysis of social processes .

The aim is to uncover hidden laws behind complex systems and thus enable a more fundamental understanding as well as improved predictions. This leads to new challenges for mathematical abstractions and problem solving. The focus of the research activities is on the development of new methods for modeling , simulation and optimization . They are expanded and expanded through continuous development of the research agenda in order to develop novel mathematical strategies for the use of complex data , as they are needed for technological and social innovations .

Previous joint projects

The inter-institutional and interdisciplinary approach pursued by MATH + builds on the successes of the Berlin DFG Research Center Matheon (2002–2014), the Einstein Center for Mathematics (ECMath) and the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS).

The research center Matheon "Mathematics for Key Technologies ", founded in 2002, took on a pioneering role in the development of modeling , simulation and optimization for real processes in all key technology areas. The successes in the transfer of research results showed the relevance of mathematics for innovations in industry, business and science. These activities will be continued in the context of MATH + within the application areas.

The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) - the graduate school for young mathematicians - accepts Bachelor graduates in its English-language doctoral program. In addition to striving for scientific excellence , the BMS pursues goals such as internationality, diversity and equal opportunities for all genders. The BMS was funded from 2006 to 2018 as part of the Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments . It will be further developed as a graduate school by MATH +.


MATH + research is diverse and includes project-oriented and project-independent mathematics research. The project-oriented research in MATH + focuses on application-oriented mathematics and is divided into:

  • Application areas (AA)
  • Emerging Fields (EF)
  • Incubator Projects
  • Transfer Unit (TrU)

Application areas (AA)

The MATH + Application Areas are tailored to mathematical research in interdisciplinary application areas. They support cross-institutional research projects in which both mathematicians and experts in the respective application area are involved. At the beginning of 2019, the following four areas of application started their activity:

  • Life sciences
  • Materials, light, devices
  • Networks
  • Energy and Markets

Emerging Fields (EF)

The Emerging Fields are dedicated to groundbreaking interdisciplinary research in new areas, including the social sciences and humanities. Research activities have existed in the following five emerging fields since January 2019:

  • Extracting Dynamical Laws from Complex Data
  • Digital shapes
  • Model-based imaging
  • Particles and Agents
  • Concepts of Change in Historical Processes

Incubator Projects

MATH + Incubator Projects are short-term projects that aim to generate potential for innovation. Incubator Projects are intended to have lasting effects on new research directions and fields.

There are two types of incubator projects:

  • Track A: Projects that advance theories by advancing the foundations of mathematics or building new bridges within mathematics or with closely related disciplines
  • Track B: Interdisciplinary projects together with a partner from other scientific disciplines

Transfer Unit (TrU)

The translation of research results and the transfer of knowledge in industry and society are the goals of MATH +. While MATH + Application Areas and Emerging Fields aim to transfer knowledge into their respective application areas, the aim of the projects in the MATH + Transfer Unit (TrU) is the development of prototypes or demonstrators on the basis of basic research. MATH + Transfer activities develop the activities of Matheon further.

Mathematical research areas

  • Differential geometry, global analysis, and mathematical physics
  • Algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory
  • Stochastics and mathematical finance
  • Discrete mathematics and optimization
  • Geometry, topology, and visualization
  • Numerical analysis and scientific computing
  • Applied analysis and differential equations
  • Mathematics of data science

The research activities in the eight mathematical research areas of MATH + are not limited to the classic form of a project, but are also aimed at further development and progress in mathematics itself.

Topic Development Lab

The new Topic Development Lab serves as a special think tank , in which - also with impulses from current collaborations and application areas - mathematical future fields are developed.

The TDL is a central component of MATH +, which, based on this dynamic view of mathematics, provides a platform for the development of new topics. Bridges between different areas of mathematics (e.g. between “ pure ” and “ applied ”) are built in order to reach other areas of science and potential cooperation partners outside of mathematics. The main activity of the Topic Development Lab consists of thematic Einstein semesters, which are funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin .

Activities for the public

Regular MATH + events for the interested public provide information about the research and application fields of mathematics as well as the developments of the Cluster of Excellence.

In order to arouse interest in mathematics among young students, cooperation with schools is an important part of MATH + 's recruiting. Formats specially offered for students are:

  • Advent Calendar: Every year in December, schoolchildren from the 10th grade onwards, as well as students, teachers and other interested parties , receive insights into current mathematics research and everyday working life for mathematicians. With tricky tasks, the power and beauty of mathematics should be discovered beyond what is taught in school.
  • Lecture series MATHINSIDE: MATH + - Scientists talk about areas of application of mathematics and provide comprehensible insights into their current research. The lectures are aimed at upper school classes, are intended to expand the students' knowledge of the applications of mathematics and promote a fascination for mathematical research.
  • MATHEATHLON competition: Mathematics is combined with sport. On a racetrack, participants solve simple math problems. For correct answers, the runners receive a bonus on their running time.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DFG - German Research Foundation - Decisions in the Excellence Strategy: Excellence Commission selects 57 excellence clusters. Retrieved July 2, 2020 .
  2. MATH + Cluster of Excellence opens: Regional Management Berlin SÜDWEST. Retrieved July 2, 2020 .
  3. About us - MATH +. Retrieved July 2, 2020 (American English).
  4. Kathrin Anna Kirstein: About self-driving cars and woolen sheep Or: Diving into the world of mathematics - press portal. Retrieved July 2, 2020 .
  5. DFG - German Research Foundation - Excellence Initiative of the Federal Government and the Länder (2005-2017 / 2019). Retrieved July 2, 2020 .
  6. a b Research - MATH +. Retrieved July 2, 2020 (American English).
  7. Application Areas - MATH +. Retrieved July 2, 2020 (American English).
  8. ^ Emerging Fields - MATH +. Retrieved July 2, 2020 (American English).
  9. ^ Incubator Projects - MATH +. Retrieved July 2, 2020 (American English).
  10. Transfer - MATH +. Retrieved July 2, 2020 (American English).
  11. a b Topic Development Lab - MATH +. Retrieved July 2, 2020 (American English).
  12. ^ School activities - MATH +. Retrieved August 21, 2020 (American English).