Félix Gustave Saussier

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Félix-Gustave Saussier

Félix Gustave Saussier (born January 16, 1828 in Troyes , † December 19, 1905 at Château de Thimécourt , Luzarches , Département Seine-et-Oise ) was a French general and MP .


Saussier was born into a family of textile industrialists in Troyes. He joined an infantry regiment as an officer in 1850 after attending the Saint-Cyr military school , took part in the Crimean War , the Sardinian War in Italy in 1859, the French intervention in Mexico 1862-66 and in some campaigns in Africa . In 1869 he was promoted to colonel .

In the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 he commanded the 41st Infantry Regiment, which belonged to the crew of the Metz fortress . He was taken into captivity in Germany, escaped via Austria and Italy and joined the Loire Army in France . On January 5, 1871, he was promoted to Général de brigade and later entrusted with the command of a mobile column in Algeria .

When he was elected deputy in November 1873 against the monarchist candidate in the Aube department and declared himself in favor of republican principles, he was deposed. In the National Assembly he belonged to the left-wing center and was particularly involved in the negotiations on military reform.

In May 1876 he was reappointed commander of a brigade in Marseille , in 1878 promoted to Général de division (July 6th) and in 1879 received supreme command of the 19th Army Corps in Algeria, and in 1880 the 6th Army Corps in Châlons-sur-Marne . In 1881 he was appointed commander in chief of the army in Algeria and in 1884 military governor of Paris . In 1898 he retired from active service.

Félix Gustave Saussier died on December 19, 1905 on his estate at Château de Thimécourt near Luzarches.


  • [1] L'éblouissante carrière du Général Saussier par Guy de Cockborne dans Mémoires de la Société académique du département de l'Aube, 1978.
  • [2] Dictionnaire des parlementaires français de 1789 à 1889 (Adolphe Robert, Edgar Bourloton et Gaston Cougny)

Web links

Commons : Félix Gustave Saussier  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Notes and individual references

  1. ^ Letter from the Prefect of Seine-et-Oise to the Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honor (with the wrong year: 1906 instead of 1905)
  2. ^ Death certificate from the Ministry of Finance
  3. Manufacture de draps Saussier & Charve