Principality of Terebovlya

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The principality of Terebowlja ( Russian Теребо́вльское кня́жество ) was a principality around the castle Terebovlja in what is now western Ukraine . It existed from 1084 to 1141


Around 1084 the dependent principalities of Terebovlya, Peremysl and Zvenigorod were founded within the Principality of Volhynia. Terebovlya went to Vasilko Rostislavich, the others to his brothers. Wassilko had the south-east of the country arable by settling Berendej, Tork and Pechenegs of Turkic origin . In 1092 the principality became independent, in 1141 it was incorporated into the principality of Halych. After the Rostislavichs died out, Terebovlya briefly became part of the territory of the Kiev prince Isjaslav Vladimirovich around 1210.


The principality comprised the southeast of what would later become Galicia , the west of Podolia and part of Bukovina . In the west it bordered the Principality of Zvenigorod , in the north on the principalities of Lutsk and Peresopnytsya and in the east on Kiev .

Important castles were Halych , Mykulyn , Chern , Wassyliw , Onut , Kutschelemyn , Bakota , Uschyzja and Kalius .


  • Wladimir Kubijowitsch (Red.): Encyclopedy of Ukraine . Paris, New York 1989


  1., Terebowlja (English)