Fabian Ogutsch

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Fabian Ogutsch (* around 1845 in Podberezye / Podbrescher ; † October 4, 1922 ) was a chasan with a tenor and composer voice .


Fabian Ogutsch was trained by Russian cantors and then worked in Koschmin from 1875 to 1877 . He then moved to Schwerin and in 1880 to Ostrowo, where his son Martin died as a toddler in 1882.

The synagogue on Börneplatz, 1880s

In 1885 Ogutsch came to Frankfurt am Main . There he was chief cantor in the synagogue on Börneplatz for 38 years . He was also active as a composer and, with Der Frankfurter Kantor, put together a compilation of synagogal music as sung in Frankfurt at the time. This work was published in 1930; In the foreword Josef Benjamin Levy refers to Ogutsch's contribution to the documentation of the Frankfurt tradition: “He sat for hours with knowledgeable» baale-tfilloh «, let himself be sung, noted down and grasped the tunes thus obtained according to the laws of music. In doing so, he purposely only adhered to the service of "his" synagogue, the historical sponsor of the old Frankfurt service. [...] Only those who know what tenacious resistance the " niggunim ", often lacking in rhythm and beat, oppose to recording and design can appreciate the work, the faithful patience and immersion that lies in this work. It is [...] of lasting value for the research and scientific penetration of the southern German "Chasonus" [...] ". Later research in the field of synagogue music did indeed fall back on Ogutsch's compendium, albeit z. B. Karl E. Grözinger remarked that Ogutsch's notes were "not always free from a subjective touch". In addition to Ogutsch, Grözinger mentions Salman Geiger as a source for the Frankfurt traditions regarding synagogal music and also refers to a further compilation of synagogal music that Benno Pessachowitsch created at the Friedberg facility by the senior cantor of the Israelite Religious Society. However, this unpublished work was destroyed during the Reichspogromnacht .


  • Chants for the Friday evening service. For solo u. according to Choir introduced in d. new community synagogue in Frankfurt a / M., J. Kauffmann Verlag
  • The Frankfurt Cantor. Collection of the traditional Frankfurt synagogue chants by Fabian Ogutsch, because. Chief Cantor of the Synagogue on Börneplatz in Frankfurt am Main. Arranged and introduced by JB Levy , ed. by the board of directors of the Israelite community in Frankfurt am Main, J. Kauffmann Verlag , Frankfurt am Main 1930

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ It is unclear whether this Fabian Ogutsch is identical to the one mentioned here.
  2. Kreisblatt Adelnau (Odolanow) No. 43, May 1882
  3. life data on jewish-music.huji.ac.il
  4. The Frankfurt Cantor. Collection of the traditional Frankfurt synagogue chants by Fabian Ogutsch, because. Chief Cantor of the Synagogue on Börneplatz in Frankfurt am Main. Arranged and introduced by JB Levy , ed. from the board of the Israelite Congregation Frankfurt am Main, J. Kauffmann Verlag Frankfurt am Main 1930, foreword o. S. (PDF; 5.8 MB)
  5. ^ Advertisement in the Frankfurter Israelitischen Gemeindeblatt
  6. ^ Jewish culture in Frankfurt am Main from its beginnings to the present: an international symposium of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the Franz Rosenzweig Research Center for German-Jewish Literature and Cultural History Jerusalem . In: Karl Erich Grözinger (Hrsg.): Jewish culture. Studies in intellectual history, religion and literature . tape 1 . Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1997, ISBN 3-447-03962-0 , ISSN  1431-6757 , p. 93 (422 p., Limited preview in Google Book Search - proceedings).