Fabian von Lossainen

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Fabian von Lossainen - Bishop of Warmia from December 5, 1512 to January 30, 1523

Fabian von Lossainen , Polish Fabian Luzjański , Latin Fabianus Lusianus ; and Fabian Tettinger , (* 1470 in Königsberg (Prussia) ; † thirtieth January 1523 in Heilsberg ) was initially canon , then Prince Bishop of Warmia . The name refers to Loßainen (until 1936: Loszainen ), a village on Lake Legien near Rößel in Warmia.


He studied at the Universities of Cologne and Bologna , where he received his doctorate in law as a lawyer in canon law . From 1493 he was canon at the Frauenburg Cathedral . There he worked together with Nicolaus Copernicus , who looked after him as a doctor in later years. After the death of Lucas Watzenrode , Fabian von Lossainen was selected on April 5, 1512 by the cathedral chapter of Ermland as his successor in the office of bishop . This was accepted by the king on July 6th, 1512, also by the Pope in September, and on December 5th, 1512 he was ordained bishop of Warmia by the primate Jan Łaski .

His term of office was determined by the conflict between the Teutonic Knight Order and the Polish King and the emerging Reformation . In the Petrikauer Treaty of 1519 restrictions were set for the election of bishops in Warmia. In the same year the equestrian war broke out, which devastated the diocese. Fabian died before he could be appointed cardinal .


  • Kurt Forstreuter : Fabian von Lossainen and the German Order. In: Johannes Papritz, Hans Schmauch (Hrsg.): Kopernikus-Forschungen. Hirzel, Leipzig 1943, pp. 220-233 ( Germany and the East 22, ZDB -ID 541562-7 ).
  • Piotr Nitecki: Biskupi Kościoła w Polsce w latach 965–1999. Słownik biograficzny. Wydanie 2 popraw. i uzupełn. Pax, Warszawa 2000, ISBN 83-211-1311-7 .
  • Tadeusz Oracki: Słownik biograficzny Warmii, Prus Książęcych i Ziemi Malborskiej od połowy XV do końca XVIII wieku. Tom. 2: L - Ż. Pojezierze, Olsztyn 1988 ( Biblioteka Olsztyńska 15, ISSN  0239-7854 ).
  • Leopold Prowe : On the characteristics of Bishop Fabian von Lossainen. In: Leopold Prowe: Nicolaus Coppernicus. Volume 2: Certificates. Weidmann, Berlin 1884, pp. 526-529 (Neudruck. Zeller, Osnabrück 1967).
  • Jerzy Sikorski: Prywatne życie Mikołaja Kopernika. Wydanie 2. Pojezierze, Olsztyn 1985.
  • Alojzy Szorc: Dzieje diecezji warmińskiej (1243–1991). Warmińskie Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne, Olsztyn 1991.

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predecessor Office successor
Lucas Watzenrode Bishop of Warmia
Mauritius Ferber