Sports shooting association Rheinhessen

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The Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen (fsrhh) was founded on April 14, 1964 in Mainz . He is a member of the Sportbund Rheinhessen , one of three associations of the Landessportbundes Rheinland-Pfalz (LSB). As the only professional association for sport shooters in Rheinhessen , it looks after the shooting clubs in the rifle , pistol , bow and summer biathlon disciplines . With around 5000 members, it is the sixth strongest professional association in the Rheinhessen Sports Association (as of December 31, 2014).


The professional shooting association represents the professional interests of its affiliated shooting clubs or sports clubs with shooting departments vis-à-vis the Rheinhessen Sports Association, the State Sports Association, the State Representative for Competitive Sports, the Palatinate Sports Shooting Association, the German Shooting Association and other sporting and official bodies. He administers and uses his financial resources and the state funds allocated to him in the form of earmarked grants to the shooting clubs. He advocates the training of trainers and referees as well as the training of shooters with level supervision courses and weapons expertise courses with subsequent exams. The Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen supports active sport, shooting sports youth and the affiliated state performance centers with financial subsidies . He gives the affiliated clubs assistance in taking out sports accident and liability insurance. The professional shooting association organizes sporting events and awards honors.


The office is in Alzey under the direction of the chairman. The highest organ of the Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen eV is the annual delegate assembly. The executive body is the executive board, which consists of seven members. These are the chairman, the treasurer, the youth leader, the sports director, the archery officer and the secretary.


The Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen is a member of the Sportbund Rheinland-Pfalz through the Sportbund Rheinhessen. It is affiliated with the Palatinate Sport Schützenbund (regional association of the German Schützenbund).


In recognition of special services to the promotion of sport, the Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen awards a medal of honor with a certificate. The honorary awards are given in gold, silver and bronze. They honor women and men in the member organizations who have distinguished themselves through long years of meritorious work or through sporting success. The shooting sports associations, the shooting sports clubs and the clubs that have a shooting sports department and are in Rheinhessen are eligible to apply. The board of the Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen decides on the award of the badges. The club certificate of honor with coat of arms is awarded to clubs on the occasion of a 25th, 50th, 100th, etc. anniversary. The honors can be revoked again by the board of the Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen if their sponsors have been legally excluded from the Fachverband Sportschießen Rheinhessen, the Landessportbund, the Palatinate Sportschützenbund, the German Schützenbund or an association.


The technical foundation by the convened founding and delegate assembly took place on April 21, 1964 in Oppenheim . This voluntary association affects all associations that are located within the boundaries of the former Rheinhessen administrative district.


  1. Ludwig Bassing (1964–1971)
  2. Hans Schäfer (1971–1976)
  3. Alfred Gerbracht (1976-2001)
  4. Christian Vollmer (2001-2005)
  5. Ernst Ott (2005-2006)
  6. Günther Vetter (since 2006)

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