Faikah Guler

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Faikah Güler (born April 8, 1966 in Erlangen ; † March 19, 2020 ) was a German transplant researcher, nephrologist and university professor.


Güler studied medicine at the Free University of Berlin and spent the first postdoc phase as a fellow at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin-Buch . She received her PhD in 1995. From 1999 she worked at the Hannover Medical School (MHH) in the Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension Diseases. In 2003 she accepted a call to the junior professorship for experimental transplantation there. In 2010, I was offered a W2 professorship for ischemia, reperfusion and transplantation at the same location. Güler received one of the first three professorships to be filled at the Hannover Medical School as part of the federal and state professorial program. Güler's research interests focused on the mechanisms of acute kidney failure and suitable therapy options, acute and chronic transplant rejection, and ischemia-induced organ damage. For this research, she established various transplant models in mice and rats. Together with industrial partners and two Dutch universities, Güler and her team from Hanover developed a blood test for kidney failure, which leads to a result faster than the previously known tests and which allows the therapy to be tailored so that painkillers, antibiotics and immunosuppressants are patient-specific and therefore individual can be used less stressful. More than 170 publications document Güler's scientific activities.

Guler was also involved in promoting young talent. She was a supervisor in the KlinStrucMed, the structured doctoral program of the MHH, and - after she herself had participated as a mentee in the pilot project of the MHH's female scientist mentoring in 2004 - later took on the role of the mentor in the 2016/2017 Ina-Pichlmayr mentoring session. Faikah Güler was jointly responsible for the network for refugees at the Hannover Medical School, which was founded in 2016 and which temporarily included up to 120 employees, students and friends of the MHH.


In 2018, Guler was awarded the Dr. Güler for her work with functional magnetic resonance imaging for the non-invasive diagnosis of pathophysiological changes in the kidney in experimental small animal models for acute and chronic kidney failure. Werner Jackstädt Research Prize awarded.


Guler publications can be found at Research Gate.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Board of the German Society for Nephrology: Obituary Prof. Dr. Faikah Guler. German Society for Nephrology, March 23, 2020, accessed on April 8, 2020 (German).
  2. above: Faikah Güler. In: Female professors program: Appointed female professors 2008. Hannover Medical School, 2020, accessed on June 14, 2020 .
  3. ↑ top v .: Prof. Dr. Faikah Gueler, MD phenos.com, accessed April 8, 2020 .
  4. above: Faikah Güler. In: Female Professors Program. Hannover Medical School - Equal Opportunities Office, 2008, accessed on April 8, 2020 (German).
  5. ^ Arnd Schweizer: Appointments as junior professor. In: Personal details of the Hannover Medical School (MHH). idw Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, 2003, accessed on April 8, 2020 (German).
  6. ↑ top v .: MHH scientist develops new blood test. Hannover.de, April 27, 2018, accessed April 8, 2020 (German).
  7. a b o. V .: Faikah Güler. Research Gate GmbH, 2020, accessed on April 8, 2020 (German).
  8. n.v .: projects. In: KlinStrucMed program at the MHH. 2019 multimedia maker | Berlin's digital creative workshop, 2019, accessed on April 8, 2020 (German).
  9. Faikah Güler, Brigitte Lohff: Report on the mentoring program, pp. 26-28. In: Mentoring for female scientists at the MHH. Insights into the pilot project 2004. Bärbel Miemietz, 2005, accessed on April 8, 2020 (German).
  10. ↑ top v .: Die Tandems, p. 12. In: Ina-Pichlmayr-Mentoring for young scientists at the MHH. Insights into the 2016-2017 program. Bärbel Miemietz, 2017, accessed on April 8, 2020 (German).
  11. dr: Network for Refugees. Volunteers are reorganizing help at the MHH and would like support. Hannover Medical School, Presidium, May 9, 2016, accessed on August 25, 2020 (German).