Faris Yahya

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Faris Yahya , also Faris Glubb (* 1939 in Jerusalem ; † April 2004 in Kuwait ), was a British author and historian on the subject of Palestine .

Glubb / Yahya was born as the son of John Bagot Glubb and Muriel Rosemary Forbes and was baptized Godfrey Peter Manley. He later converted to Islam and called himself Faris. Faris spent most of his early years in Jordan . From 1970 he lived in Lebanon . In 2004 he died in a traffic accident in Kuwait.

The author Glubb / Yahya became known in the Arabic-speaking world and also in English mainly through his three books, which deal extensively with Palestine, but also with racism in connection with Zionism .

His main works are:

  • Faris Yahya: The Zionists and Nazi-Germany
  • Faris Glubb: The Palestine Question and International Law (published by the PLO Research Center 1970)
  • Faris Glubb: Zionism: Is It Racist? (Released in 1975)

The Palestine Research Center in Beirut / Lebanon is responsible for its political legacy and is represented in Germany by the Palestinian Student Association, which provides in-depth information and materials about Glubb, see also Palestine Essays No. 47 , via the Embassy of Palestine.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary: Faris Glubb, journalist, poet and political activist with a deep Islamic faith , The Guardian