Farrar, Straus and Giroux

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Farrar, Straus and Giroux (FSG) is an American publisher founded in New York City in 1946 .

Founders were John C. Farrar (1896–1974), who had founded Farrar & Rinehart in 1929 , but left the publishing house when FSG was founded in 1946, and Roger Williams Straus Jr. (1917–2004), who belonged to the Guggenheim family. First they were called Farrar & Straus and in 1955 they were joined by Robert Giroux (1914–2008), who had previously been with Harcourt & Brace but left the publishing house after the death of the founders and took a number of important authors with him, including TS Eliot , Flannery O ' Connor , Bernard Malamud , Thomas Merton , John Berryman , Robert Lowell , Jack Kerouac , Peter Taylor , Randall Jarrell . He was considered the publisher of leading authors of the 20th century and was also the first choice of foreign authors for a publisher in the USA in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1964 his name was added to that of the publisher.

In the early 1950s, Straus brought modern Italian authors to the publishing house ( Carlo Levi , Alberto Moravia , Giovanni Guareschi , Cesare Pavese ) because he and his wife often stayed in Italy. He also recruited Edmund Wilson from Random House . They had an early success in 1950 with the bestseller Look younger, Live longer by Gayelord Hauser .

Other important authors include Isaac Bashevis Singer , Carl Sandburg , Katherine Anne Porter , Donald Barthelme , William Golding , Scott Turow , Jonathan Franzen , Joseph Brodsky and Tom Wolfe . Many of the authors were Nobel Prize winners or Pulitzer Prize winners.

Straus continued to run the publishing house twenty years after Farrar's death and in 1993 sold it to the Georg von Holtzbrinck publishing group .

They worked for a long time with the British publisher Faber and Faber (FSG took over US publications in 1998), but separated in 2015.

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