Felix Bichl

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Felix Bichl (born April 24, 1875 in Moosbach , municipality of Helpfau-Uttendorf ; † March 9, 1956 in Gaspoltshofen ) was an Austrian farmer and politician .

As a farmer and innkeeper , Bichl was politically and economically versatile. From 1919 to 1925 he was the Upper Austrian provincial deputies and National Council (representative of freedom and order party, then as an exponent of the Agrarian League ). However, as a member of the state council, he was not particularly prominent. From 1920 to 1930 he was the only representative of the Upper Austrian Farmers' Association and the Landbund, a member of the Austrian National Council . Bichl was also Vice President of the short-lived Suben farmer's sugar factory and from 1919 to 1927 Vice President of the State Cultural Council.

During his activity as chairman of the Freedom Press Association Braunau am Inn between 1927 and 1931, there were some tensions, because as a speaker, Bichl was often emotional and poorly considered, so that he was more of a burden for the Landbund.


  • Harry Slapnicka : Upper Austria - The political leadership. 1918 to 1938 (= contributions to the contemporary history of Upper Austria. 3). Oberösterreichischer Landesverlag, Linz 1976, ISBN 3-85214-163-X , p. 48 f.

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