Felix Goldmann

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Felix Goldmann (born April 16, 1882 in London ; died October 7, 1934 in Leipzig ) was a German rabbi .


After his rabbi training, which he finished with Semicha in Berlin in 1907 , Felix Goldmann initially worked in Opole as the successor to Leo Baeck . From 1917 until his death, Goldmann succeeded Nathan Porges as the municipal rabbi in Leipzig and rabbi of the Leipzig municipal synagogue.

Goldmann tried to reach understanding between liberal and Orthodox Jews in Leipzig and worked with his Orthodox counterpart, Ephraim Carlebach . Nevertheless, during his tenure there was a formal separation between the liberal and the Orthodox congregation in Leipzig. Goldmann was involved in the main board of the Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith and President of the Leipzig Lodge of B'nai B'rith . Goldmann was active in the fight against anti-Semitism .

Fonts (selection)

  • The position of the German rabbi on the question of the East Jews. Lecture for the general assembly of the Rabbis Association in Germany (May 9/10, 1916) . Kauffmann, Frankfurt am Main 1916.
  • Why are we and will we remain Jews? Kaufmann, Leipzig 1918. 2nd edition 1924.
  • On the nature of anti-Semitism . Philo, Berlin 1920.
  • The Jew in German culture. A contribution to the essence of nationalism . Philo, Berlin 1930.


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