Ondřej Cikán

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Ondřej Cikán

Ondřej Cikán (born June 20, 1985 in Prague ) is an Austro-Czech author, film director, publisher and translator from Czech and ancient Greek.


Ondřej Cikán has lived in Vienna since 1991 . In 2013 he completed his master’s degree in Greek and began with the dissertation on the Byzantine novel with Claudia Rapp and Carolina Cupane at the Institute for Byzantine and Neo - Greek Studies at the University of Vienna .

In 2000, his first play, Tragödieninsel, was performed in what was then the play bar of the Vienna Volkstheater . In 2002, together with Anatol Vitouch, he founded the literature and theater group Die Gruppe , from which the association for the support of fairytale theater emerged. Since then, Cikán has completed numerous readings, theater performances and publications a. a. with the group . In 2009 he took part in the final round of the Berlin Open Mike literary competition. In 2018 he founded the Kētos publishing house, which specializes in poetic translations, as part of the Association for the Support of Fairy Tale Theater .

To the work

According to his own statement, his texts are influenced by surrealism and Czech poetism .

His novel Menandros and Thaïs is based on "ancient Greek trash novels". The structure is most similar to the novels Ephesiaka by Xenophon of Ephesus and Chaireas and Kallirhoë of Chariton , but Cikán's novel is enriched by additional levels, including a plot in the present day. The work was filmed full-length under the title Menandros & Thaïs (directors: Antonín Šilar, Ondřej Cikán).

With the short epic Prince Aberjaja , Cikán developed the Czech fairy tale Princ Bajaja by Božena Němcová (1820–1862) and put it into verse. The short epic is also inspired by Antonín Kachlík 's film Princ Bajaja . A scene from Prince Aberjaja was processed into the short film of the same name with Paula Beer in the lead role (directors: Anatol Vitouch, Ondřej Cikán).

For example, Cikán translated the epic May by Karel Hynek Mácha , poems by JH Krchovský and Otokar Březina or the novel Valerie and the Week of Miracles by Vítězslav Nezval from the Czech .

Together with Georg Danek , he translated the novel Daphnis and Chloë von Longos from ancient Greek , whereby the special feature of this translation is that Danek and Cikán divided the ancient art prose of Longos into verses and thus the rhythmic structure and stylistic means such as the end rhyme are visible made and translated into German.

Standalone publications

Film direction

Translations into German

Translations into Czech

Publications by the association for the support of fairytale theater

  • Spring , poems, Vienna, 2005
  • Dracula , Romänchen, Vienna, 2006
  • Desert , poems, Vienna, 2006
  • Marble , plays Pyrrha and Gorgo , Vienna, 2006
  • Das Ungeheuer , Romänchen, Vienna, 2007
  • Karel Čapek : The Poet / Básník , Vienna 2007
  • Cheap Stories 1 , Prose, Vienna, 2008
  • Frankenstein's fiend Frankenstein , Romänchen, Vienna, 2008
  • In the bathroom , plays Tragödienwanne and Bathsheba , Vienna, 2008
  • Poems from New Mexico , Poems, Vienna, 2009
  • Dark gifts , poems, Vienna, 2010
  • Sacrifice , poems, Vienna, 2010
  • Obscene Vacation , poems by Ondřej Cikán and Anatol Vitouch, Vienna, 2011

Theater performances and staged readings (selection)

  • Tragödieninsel , formerly playable by the Vienna Volkstheater, 2000
  • Princesses , ballroom of the AkG, Vienna, 2002
  • In the bath ( tragedy bath , Bathsheba ), Kabelwerk, Vienna, 2003
  • Marble ( Pyrrha , Gorgo ), Café Nil, Vienna, 2006
  • Menandros and Thaïs , Red Bar of the Vienna Volkstheater, 2011


  • Bei einer Teich , Lied, set to music by Jury Everhartz , 2003
  • Poems from New Mexico , published in the anthology 17. Open Mike (Ed. Literaturwerkstatt Berlin ), Munich, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86906-075-0
  • Gongyla , short story, published in the anthology Blinde Liebe (Ed. Anna Maria Wallner), Vienna, 2010, ISBN 978-3-99001-011-2
  • Odysseus - The Tram Ride , radio play CD, Vienna, 2011
  • Some translations of Czech poetry and a little more have found their way into the novel Küss mich, Libussa by Sophie Strohmeier, Vienna, 2013, ISBN 978-3-99001-059-4
  • Duben , translation of the poem about the month of April from a neo-Latin calendar into Czech, published in Fasti Austriae 1736 , Vienna, 2015, ISBN 978-3-70690-843-6
  • Among other things, the text of the rabbit song and an extended translation of Sappho 94D found their way into the soundtrack composed by Hans Wagner for the film Menandros & Thaïs , 2016
  • Musische Heiligengeschichten or Die Wiese der Musen , a collection of stories, published in the German original and in an English translation by Emma Rault in the volume Jürgen Kleft : Shellpunk , Hamburg, 2017, ISBN 978-3-86485-182-7
  • The epilogue to JH Krchovský: Mumie auf Reisen (see above) contains new translations of individual poems by Egon Bondy , František Gellner , Otokar Březina and the Latin Carmina Priapea .
  • The commentary on Longos: Daphnis and Chloë (see above) contains new translations of some poems by Sappho , Anyte , Nossis and others. v. m.

Individual evidence

  1. Attempt to reconstruct the structure of the novel by Antonios Diogenes. In: ubdata.univie.ac.at. August 28, 2014, accessed January 4, 2015 .
  2. palka.at: theater work. In: palka.at. Retrieved January 4, 2015 .
  3. ^ Berlin literature workshop : 17th Open Mike. BoD Books on Demand, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86906-075-0 , limited preview in Google Book Search
  4. ^ The group: members. In: cikanvitouchgruppe.blogspot.co.at. Retrieved January 4, 2015 .
  5. Isabelle Daniel: Kisses under the cherry tree. In: goethe.de. May 2012, accessed January 4, 2015 .
  6. Menandros & Thaïs. In: menandros.cz. October 5, 2014, accessed March 17, 2016 .
  7. See front book folder of the first edition or page 2 of the second edition by Ondřej Cikáns Prinz Aberjaja , Vienna, 2013
  8. imdb.com: Prince Aberjaja. Retrieved December 3, 2017 .
  9. This novel served as the basis for the film Valerie - A Week of Miracles by Jaromil Jireš .
  10. The end rhyme in antiquity was a means of prose, not poetry.
  11. ^ Siren opera theater: Everhartz, jury. In: sirene.at. September 30, 2000, accessed January 4, 2015 .
  12. Menandros & Thaïs: Soundtrack. In: bandcamp.com. April 1, 2016, accessed April 10, 2016 .

Web links