Ferdinand Schlickel

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Ferdinand Schlickel (born February 19, 1924 in Rodalben ; † November 16, 2013 in Speyer ) was a German journalist , historian and author . Before retiring, he was editor- in- chief of the Catholic weekly newspaper Der Pilger der Diocese Speyer and head of the Episcopal Press Office in Speyer.

Journalistic activity

Until his death, Schlickel wrote regularly on topics related to the regional, church and town history of Speyer in compilations, the weekend edition of the daily newspaper Die Rheinpfalz , the quarterly issues of the tourist office and other publications.



  • 150 years of pilgrims. 1848-1998. A walk through contemporary history. Reports, messages, comments in the Speyer diocese gazette. Pilger-Verlag, 1998
  • Edith Stein, the new saint. Jewess and religious. Schnell & Steiner publishing house, Regensburg 1998, ISBN 3-7954-8039-6
  • Speyer. From the Salians to today. 1000 years of city history. Hermann G. Klein Verlag, Speyer 2000, ISBN 3-921797-60-8


  • Ferdinand Schlickel, Helmut Schollenberger, Hermann Hemmerich, Günther Ableiter (Red.), Kath. Pfarramt St. Konrad (Ed.): 50 years of St. Konrad in Speyer. 1934-1984. Robert Weber offset printing company
  • Ferdinand Schlickel (Red.), Kath. Pfarramt St. Konrad (Ed.): 25 years of St. Konrad Church, 1994. Progressdruck GmbH


  • Friedrich Weather . Bishop of Speyer (1968–1982) . In: Hans Ammerich (Hrsg.): Life pictures of the bishops of Speyer since the re-establishment of the diocese of Speyer in 1817/21. Celebration for the 60th birthday of His Excellency Dr. Anton Schlembach , Bishop of Speyer (= Archives of the Diocese of Speyer: Writings of the Diocesan Archives Speyer, Volume 15). Speyer 1992, pp. 339-358.
  • Topic on Saturday: From the school desk to the flak. - "Gentiles sacrifice their children to pacify gods": In 1943 the Second World War began for thousands of students; burned as a flak helper. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau. Volume 50, 1994, No. 106 of May 7, 1994
  • Johann Peter Frank - From the Palatinate country doctor to the founder of the "Medicinische Polizey". For his 250th birthday. In: Pilgrims Calendar. Speyer 1995, pp. 72-82.
  • Topic on Saturday: the pioneering years of the settlement in Speyer-Nord. - Up to 14 working hours a day: between the two world wars there was a severe housing shortage. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau. Volume 55, 1999, No. 175 of July 31, 1999
  • Successful fighter against poverty and disease . Publication series of the Johann Peter Frank Society. Issue 5, September 2000, Rodalben.
  • “The misery of the people is the mother of diseases” - on the 250th birthday of Rodalber Johann Peter Frank, a successful fighter against poverty and disease. In: Die Rheinpfalz, Palatina from March 17, 1995
  • Topic on Saturday: The Advisory Citizens Council Committee in Speyer. - Founded as a stopgap solution - ended with success: 60 years ago: An important step on the way to democracy - the elderly and old take responsibility for the city. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau. Volume 61, 2005, No. 100 of April 29, 2005
  • The Olympics - Hitler's show for the world - during the Olympic Games 50 years ago, the Third Reich showed itself from its best side. In: Die Rheinpfalz - Review of August 2, 1986
  • The scene of Palatine history: the Wittelsbacher Hof. - Shots in the dining room 50 years ago. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau. (Five-part series beginning January 8, 1994)
  • Karl Leiling: “And so I was there this time too.” In: Die Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau. (Eight-part series beginning March 31, 1993)
  • The power center "in Eisserschde Dal". - The Cistercian monastery church in Eusserthal. In: Die Rheinpfalz, Palatina from July 18, 1998
  • Topic on Saturday: Synagogue destroyed 60 years ago. - Inferno in the middle of the city - silence in the newspapers, silence in the town hall. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau from November 7, 1998
  • The honorary citizens of the cathedral city. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau. (24-part series beginning on January 22, 2002)
  • Topic on Saturday: The Nazi blow against the "Speyer comradeship" - help for Thälmann paid with his life. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau from August 14, 2004
  • Topic on Saturday: The Domnapf - a striking landmark of Speyer - “Sir, our escort goes out here”. The Domnapf as a former border between the city and the cathedral - filled with wine when the bishops moved in. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau of October 21, 2006
  • The occupation after 1918, after 1945. In: Die Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau. (18-part series, beginning June 24, 1997)
  • “A willing helper with words and deeds” - On the 300th anniversary of the death of Mayor Georg Ernst Rützhaub - organizer of the reconstruction of the city. In: The Rheinpfalz - Speyerer Rundschau from November 11, 2008.

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