Ferdinand Seinecke

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Ferdinand Seinecke (* 1814 , † 1873 or earlier), a German was educator , nonfiction - Author and founder and director of a private higher girls' school in Hanover .


Similar to other - male - educators at the time, Ferdinand Seinecke, who was awarded a doctorate, opened a privately run girls' school on Osterstrasse in Hanover in mid-October 1844 . After initially 18 students, the number of students in the school year from 1851 to 1852 was already 111 in five classes.

The various writings of Seinecke include school reports as well as aphorisms as well as school and non-fiction books.

Seinecke's textbook on the history of German national literature was re-edited in 1873 by Schmorl & von Seefeld after his death by Hermann Dieckmann , the first director of the Höhere Stadttöchterschule I in Hanover .

Fonts (selection)

  • The higher education of the female sex , first volume, dedicated to Stadtdirektor Evers , Hanover: Helwingsche Hofbuchhandlung, 1846; Digitized
  • German reading book for the upper classes of the higher daughter schools , ed. by Ferdinand Seinecke, third improved edition of the first edition originally published in Hanover in 1849, Dresden: Louis Ehlermann, 1861; Digitized
  • Monod Adolphe, Ferdinand Seinecke: The woman. Two pulpit lectures , Hanover: C. Meyer, 1858
  • Evangelical song blessing from Gellert up to the most recent times , ed. and in 1861 with a foreword by Ferdinand Seinecke in Göttingen, Dresden: Louis Ehlermann, 1861; Digitized
  • Textbook on the history of German national literature , Hanover: Schmorl & von Seefeld (printed by August Grimpe, Hanover), 1866; Digitized
  • The life of women in sayings and songs of our poets , ed. by Ferdinand Seinecke, Hanover: Schmorl & v. Seefeld, 1866
  • Lectures francaises - French reading book for the lower grades , 26th edition, Dresden: Louis Ehlermann, 1897
  • Poet sounds for adolescents , 2nd edition, new ed. by Otto Schönermark , Dresden: Louis Ehlermann, 1878


Archival material

Archival material from and about Seinecke can be found, for example

Individual evidence

  1. a b Compare the data in the catalog of the Kalliope network
  2. a b c d Christiane Schröder, Monika Sonneck (ed.): Out of the house. Women's history in Hanover , ed. from the association 750 years of women and Hanover eV , Hanover: Reichold Verlag, 1994, ISBN 978-3-930459-04-9 and ISBN 3-930459-04-3 ; passim ; Preview over google books
  3. Compare, for example, the information provided by the German National Library
  4. a b Compare the information from the Bavarian State Library in Munich
  5. ^ Helmut Zimmermann : Dieckmannstraße , in ders .: The street names of the state capital Hanover. Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, Hannover 1992, ISBN 3-7752-6120-6 , p. 60