Ferdinand Tönne

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Ferdinand Tönne (born February 27, 1904 in Velmede in the Sauerland , † December 11, 2003 in Bigge ) was a Westphalian home author and official.


Tönne grew up in Bestwig, attended a preparandy (training center) for elementary school teachers from 1918 and completed his studies in 1924. This was followed by a short traineeship in a Düsseldorf office, then returning to home. Since, like many young teachers of his generation, he was not accepted into the civil service, he had to make a living with tutoring and as a peddler of tobacco products, sweets and toys. He also worked as a journalist for daily newspapers and on projects such as the conception of an arithmetic book. In 1925 he worked for a year as General Secretary of the Sauerland Heimatbund . He then worked in the Catholic Josefsheim in Bigge with physically handicapped young people before he got a job as a teacher at the elementary school of the Josefsheim in 1932. In parallel to his teaching activities, he learned typesetter. In the further course he received the rectorate of the school, where he worked in this function until his retirement in 1969.

Tönne was the author of numerous articles in regional newspapers and magazines. Together with Theodor Tochtrop and Bernhard Göbel, he edited Sauerland school books, sagas, and a selection of Grimme and Koch . As an author, editor or employee, he was responsible for numerous book publications. Most of them appeared between 1940 and 1960, which the Sauerland native author and author portraitist Dietmar Rost described in 1990 as "his most fertile time".

He was known to numerous Sauerland writers, painters and local researchers.


  • 1996: Honorary membership in the Sauerland Heimatbund

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ferdinand Tönne in the Lexicon of Westphalian Authors
  2. Peter Bürger : Im reyp Koren. A reference work on dialect authors, language certificates and Low German activities in the Sauerland and neighboring areas . Eslohe 2010, pp. 673-680.