Fereidoun Biglari

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Fereidoun Biglari

Fereidoun Biglari (born March 9, 1970 in Qasr-e Schirin , Iran) is an Iranian prehistorian and co-founder (with Saman Heydari and Korosh Roustaei) and head of the Paleolithic department of the Iranian National Museum, founded in 2001 .

His research area generally includes the Old Paleolithic of Iran and western Asia and the Iranian Middle Paleolithic , and specifically the Zagros region (Iran and Iraq). His thesis presented a detailed analysis on a group Acheulean , on a rocky terrace named 2003 Gandsch par in Sefidrud Valley (province of Gilan had been discovered). He is co-director of the joint archaeological project in collaboration with the laboratory PACEA (Institute of Ur- and Quaternary Geology of the CNRS University of Bordeaux ) in the central region of Zagros and Isfahan . Biglari received a PhD scholarship from the French government in 2007 and is currently a PhD candidate at Bordeaux I University . His current project is the construction of the Zagros Stone Age Museum in Kermanshah in western Iran.

Biglari has been continuously involved in the exploration, investigation and excavation of Paleolithic sites of Iran, which led to many discoveries in Zagros and the Iranian central plateau. He has numerous publications in international journals such as Antiquity (England), Current Anthropology (USA), Paléorient (France), Near Eastern Archeology (USA), Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan (Germany), Iranian Journal of Archeology and History (Iran) , Iran (England), Archaeological Reports (Iran), Anthropology (Czech Republic), as well as book chapters in Germany, France, Japan, Mexico, and Iran. He recently became co-editor of Iran Palaeolithic / Le Paléolithique d'Iran (with Marcel Otte and Jacques Jaubert, 2009). Works from this volume are in 2006 during the session "Iranian Paleolithic" on the XV. UISPP World Congress has been presented.


  • with Erik Trinkaus : Middle Paleolithic Human Remains from Bisitun Cave, Iran. In: Paleorient. Vol. 32, No. 2, 2006, ISSN  0153-9345 , pp. 105-111, doi : 10.3406 / paleo.2006.5192 .
  • with Sonia Shidrang: The Lower Paleolithic Occupation of Iran. In: Near Eastern Archeology. Vol. 69, No. 3/4, 2006, pp. 160-168, ISSN  1094-2076 , JSTOR 25067668 .
  • The Lower and Middle Paleolithic Occupations of Iran: A Brief Review. In: Persia. Fragmentos del paraíso. Tesoros del Museo Nacional de Irán. = Perisa. Fragments from paradise. Treasures from the National Museum of Iran. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México DF 2007, ISBN 968-03-0226-1 , pp. 31-39.
  • with Marcel Otte, Damien Flas, Sonia Shidrang, Nicolas Zwyns, Marjan Mashkour, R. Naderi, Azadeh Mohaseb, Nejad Hashemi, Jamshid Darvish and Vulpe Radu: The Aurignacian in the Zagros region: new research at Yafteh Cave, Lorestan, Iran. In: Antiquity. Vol. 81, No. 311, 2007, ISSN  0003-598X , pp. 82-96, doi : 10.1017 / S0003598X00094850 .