Feride Rushiti

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Feride Rushiti (2018)

Feride Rushiti (born about 1970 ) is a Kosovar doctor and human rights - activist . For her commitment to the civilian victims of the 1998/1999 Kosovo war , to victims of torture and prisoners , she received the International Women of Courage Award from the United States Department of State in 2018 .

Commitment and honor

Rushiti began treating civilian war victims and returning refugees in 1999, while the war was still in progress . As a doctor, she recognized the need to treat the psychological trauma of refugees, especially women and minorities . Rushiti is the founder and managing director of Qendra Kosovare për Rehabilitimin e të Mbijetuarve të Torturës (QKRMT, German : Kosovar Center for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture) in Pristina . This takes a multidisciplinary approach to address the needs of conflict victims. The non-governmental organization (NGO) offers psychosocial support , legal assistance , medication, medical treatment and political advocacy .

In about twenty years of activity, Rushiti has secured access to health care and legal advice for the civilian victims of the Kosovo war. In 2017 it reached a government resolution granting victims of sexual violence in the Kosovo war victim pensions. For Kosova, the decision set a precedent in coming to terms with the war past.

Rushiti played a key role in developing a unified legal framework in Kosovo for the humane treatment of prisoners and other detainees, and successfully advocated independent control and surveillance of prisons .

On March 23, 2018, Feride Rushiti was the third Kosovar woman to receive the “ International Women of Courage Award ”. Among the ten winners of the year were women from Afghanistan , Africa and Central America . The award was given to them by Melania Trump .

Rushiti has participated in several projects and conferences on human rights in Europe. - She studied at the University of Tirana in Albania and is a medical specialist .

Web links

Commons : Feride Rushiti  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files


  1. a b c d US State Department: Biographies of the Finalists ... (accessed April 28, 2020)
  2. krct.org: Executive Director - Feride Rushiti, MD . (English, accessed April 29, 2020)