Fernando Lemos

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José Fernando de Lemos (born May 3, 1926 in Lisbon ; † December 17, 2019 ) was a Portuguese - Brazilian artist, especially painter , graphic designer and sculptor . He was best known for his work with photographs and for his drawing work.


Born in Lisbon as the son of an antique carpenter and a lace maker, he learned drawing at the Escola de Artes Decorativas António Arroio (1938–1943) and painting at the Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes . At the age of 18 he began to work as an advertising draftsman, which intensified his dealings with painters and poets in particular. After a vacation in 1947 on the Berlengas Islands with the artist Marcelino Vespeira , he began to be interested in photography. In 1949 he bought a Meopta Flexaret and began taking photos himself and editing his photos in a surrealistic way. Lemos had already called himself a “painting, drawing and poetic surrealist” (“surrealista, pintando, desenhando, escrevendo poesia”), and although surrealist photography was already a thing of the past in Portugal, he was now devoting himself more to it. In 1950 he joined the still existing Surrealist group in Lisbon.

In opposition to the Estado Novo regime, he emigrated to Brazil in 1953 (other sources: 1952), of which he had been a national since 1960. He settled in São Paulo , where he became a teacher at the Escola Superior de Arquitectura e Urbanismo . In 1953 he was honored at the São Paulo Biennale , and in 1957 he received the national design award, the Prémio Nacional de Design do Brasil . Lemos toured Europe in 1955 on a grant from the São Paulo Biennale Foundation, and in 1962 received a Japan grant from the Lisbon Gulbenkian Foundation .

His works can be seen in the Museu Calouste Gulbenkian in Lisbon and in state museums in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. He has been the subject of television broadcasts and documentaries in Brazil. The Portuguese documentary Luz Teimosa (German: stubborn light) that was shot about him was released on DVD in 2010 .

Bibliography (selection)

  • Fernando Lemos: Cá & Lá. Imprensa Nacional, Lisbon 1985
  • Fernando Lemos: Retratos de quem? - Portraits of whom? , Sao Paulo / SP, Brasil 2000
  • Fernando Lemos: Isto é Isto e Ex-Photos. Assírio & Alvim, Lisbon 2010, ISBN 978-972-37-1552-1
  • Margarida Acciaiuoli: Fernando Lemos. Editorial Caminho , Lisbon 2006, ISBN 978-989-6121129

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biography in the Pathfinder , accessed on May 26, 2013
  2. Personal Lexicon Quem É Quem - Portugueses Célebres , Temas & Debates, Lisbon 2009, pp. 296f, ISBN 978-989-644-047-3 .
  3. Biography at the Gulbenkian Foundation (under Biografia ), accessed on May 26, 2013
  4. Clip on YouTube , accessed May 26, 2013
  5. Clip on YouTube, accessed May 26, 2013
  6. www.imdb.com , accessed May 26, 2013
  7. www.realficcao.com , accessed May 26, 2013