Ferraris card

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Map example: Liège , in the Principality of Liège

The Ferraris map ( French Cartes de Ferraris ) is a topographical map that was created by the Austrian Netherlands on the initiative of the Austrian Lieutenant General Joseph Johann von Ferraris between 1771 and 1777 . The clients were Maria Theresa and Emperor Franz II.

There are 275 hand-colored sheets on a scale of 1: 11.520 and a size of about 85 cm × 135 cm. The cards form a continuation of the Cassini series of cards ( Carte de Cassini ) in a north-easterly direction. They were supplemented by 12 volumes with military and economic commentaries.

In 1777 and 1778, von Ferraris issued a version for trade. It comprised 25 sheets with a scale of 1: 86,400.

See also


  • Crédit communal de Belgique (ed.): La Cartographie au XVIIIe siècle et lʼœuvre du Comte de Ferraris, 1726-1814 (= Collection Histoire Pro Civitate. Volume 54). Brussels 1978.
  • Claire Lemoine-Isebau: La carte de Ferraris, les écoles militaires aux Pays-Bas et l'école d'hydraulique à Bruxelles. In: Revue Belge d'histoire militaire. Volume 18. 1969, ISSN  0035-0877 , pp. 73-93.
  • Philippe de Maeyer: Les cartes de Ferraris. May 2009 ( PDF ; 893 kB).
  • Soetkin Vervust: Count de Ferrarisʼs maps of the Austrian Netherlands (1770s). Cassini de Thuryʼs geodetic contribution. In: Imago mvndi. The international journal for the history of cartography. Volume 68. Taylor & Francis, Abingdon 2016, ISSN  0308-5694 , pp. 164-182.
  • Soetkin Vervust: Deconstructing the Ferraris maps (1770-1778). A study of the map production process and its implications for geometric accuracy. Dissertation at the University of Ghent. Ghent 2016.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Information on Malte Helfer's Ferraris card on the University of Luxembourg website , accessed on March 12, 2018.