Film and MultimediaArt (Ortweinschule Graz)

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Film and multimedia art

(HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule)

Logo of the HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule
Ortweinschule Graz
founding 1977

Körösistrasse 157

place Graz
state Styria
Country Austria
Coordinates 47 ° 5 '31 "  N , 15 ° 25' 25"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 5 '31 "  N , 15 ° 25' 25"  E
carrier state

The film and multimedia art training is a subject in the Art & Design department at the HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule (higher technical federal teaching and research institute). It is the first school training center in the field of film, television and new media in Austria. In common parlance, the subject is usually referred to as Ortwein film school .


In the mid-1970s, the importance of the new media was discussed at the steirischer herbst art festival and the need to catch up in Austrian schools with regard to a well-founded training offer in this area was discussed. In 1976 the artist, art and media theorist Richard Kriesche was entrusted with the preparatory work for the establishment of a specialty for audiovisual media at the Ortweinschule Graz. This made the first school education for new media possible . In 1977 the first year started as part of a school trial, the graduates of which first took the Matura or Abitur in Austria in 1981 in the subjects of film, video and photography, from which the subject of film and multimedia art emerged.

From 1978 to 1988, the Austrian film producer Dieter Pochlatko headed the then film training branch at the Ortweinschule Graz. Pochlatko also taught media courses at the University of Graz and the Danube University Krems and gave guest lectures at the most important film school in France, La Fémis in Paris. The photographer Branko Lenart was won over as a teacher for photography and image design. As part of a focus in 2003, the name was changed from the Audiovisual Media division to the Film and MultimediaArt division.

School film training

The 5-year film and multimedia art training at the HTBLVA Graz-Ortweinschule begins with the upper level (and therefore usually at the age of 14) and ends with the Matura. The focus of the training is on audiovisual design, cinematic narration and storytelling for television and interactive / transmedia platforms. In addition to script and dramaturgy, film and television direction, camera and lighting technology, editing and post-production, 3D animation, sound engineering and sound design, digital film arts, creative producing, web design, creative coding and physical computing are also taught.

A compulsory internship of 8 weeks in the creative industries is intended to deepen the acquired practical knowledge during the school holidays. This prepares the graduates not only for further studies at a film school, university or college, but also for a possible direct career entry.

International awards

With their feature films, documentaries, music videos, commercials, image films, multimedia installations and 3D animations made in class, the students take part in numerous national and international festivals. Some of them are also represented on youth film juries themselves.

The graduates of the specialization film and multimedia art at the HTL Ortweinschule have among others. a. received the following awards, distinctions and international prizes:

  • Cinestyria Youth Film Award of the State of Styria
  • Diagonale short film award
  • Austrian film award for best short film
  • Austrian Music Video Award
  • Berlinale Talent Campus
  • Visual Effects Society Award / Outstanding Matte Paintings in a Feature

Well-known graduates (selection)


  • The Ortwein School in Graz: Building, Art and Design 1876-2001 / Eugen Gross (ed.). Graz: Schnider, 2001, ISBN 3-902020-12-1

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