Finger painting

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Finger painting is a free design by spreading colors directly with the fingers on paper or another material or tracing shapes with the finger.


Child finger painting

Children start playing with things and trying things out at an early age. It can happen that you try to paint certain things with your fingers without being aware of the consequences.

The use of finger paints and clay has been used in art education in kindergarten and elementary schools for many years . Over time, however, this procedure found more application in higher levels and in psychotherapy and special education . In addition to classic painting utensils, household items such as Vaseline , skin cream or chocolate are also used.

Adults finger painting

Thanks to new information technology devices with touchscreen functions, such as tablet computers , graphics tablets , smart boards or smartphones and the corresponding software (such as painting programs ), you can also paint digitally with your fingers. Newer applications such as Paint3D also support digital finger painting in the third dimension.

In addition to painting with your fingers, there are also other ways of painting or drawing objects with your body. This includes, for example, the feet .

Art education

Finger painting in the group

In art education there are several applications and games for finger painting. A well-known example is tracing individual words or patterns on a partner's back. This promotes a musical and rhythmic attunement and provides an initial closer physical contact with the partner. This can lead to inhibitions being broken down and more closeness and trust to the partner being built up. In addition, finger painting can have a calming effect and, thanks to the flexibility it offers, more scope for trying out creative thoughts can be offered. In the case of people with disabilities or other problems, it can be helpful to open up further and thus to express oneself better, since, among other things, no special dexterity is required, the process is easy to learn and therefore less precipitation and offers a lot of leeway.

Therapeutic use

In art therapy and gestalt therapy , especially with children, finger painting promotes an uninhibited expression of feelings and moods, which enables the person to open up more and feel more comfortable.


  • Peter Baume: Finger painting in art education
  • Violet Oaklander: Gestalt Therapy with Children and Adolescents
  • Georg Theunissen: Art and intellectual disabilities: artistic development - aesthetic education - art lessons - cultural work
  • Susanne Kiebler, Vinzenz Morger: Digital finger painting - use of iPods in design lessons at the 5th and 6th primary level: teaching concept, implementation and initial results, Thurgau University of Education , 2013

Individual evidence

  1. Fingermalen - Lexicon of Psychology . ( [accessed December 27, 2017]).