Florian Felix Weyh

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Florian Felix Weyh as moderator at the Erlanger Poetenfest 2009

Florian Felix Weyh (born February 8, 1963 in Düren ) is a German journalist , writer and essayist .


Weyh has been working continuously for various editorial offices of Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandfunk Kultur since 1988 , but also made programs for NDR , SWR and WDR . He wrote columns for several years in the Berliner Tagesspiegel and in the Dresdner Sächsische Zeitung .

Weyh works as a ghostwriter for personalities from politics and business and places special emphasis on the intellectual and journalistic connection between business and culture.

Weyh also wrote plays, short stories and radio plays. Since 2003 he has been a moderator at the Erlanger Poetenfest .

Florian Felix Weyh lives with his family in Berlin .





  • Massbach , exercise piece for a drama student (world premiere: Ulmer Theater 1988)
  • Fondue , a scenic oratorio for 6 people in 15 songs and 9 intermezzi, Nyssen & Bansemer, Cologne 1987 (world premiere: Freie Volksbühne Berlin 1988)
  • Ludwigslust , Comedy (World premiere: OffOff Berlin 1990)
  • Do you have an I? , Scenes (premiere: Staatstheater Wiesbaden 1991)
  • Stirling. The happiness of movement. A social comedy , S. Fischer, Frankfurt a. M. 1993 (world premiere: Hans Otto Theater Potsdam 1992)
  • Gutenberg. A sentimental comedy in British fashion , S. Fischer, Frankfurt a. M. 1995 ISBN 3-931352-01-3 (first performance: Theater Krefeld-Mönchengladbach 1997)
  • Triage , scenes (premiere: State Theater Saarbrücken 1996)
  • The legend of the fall without end , libretto for a chamber opera, music by Wolfgang Böhmer, choir and large ensemble (premiere: Theater am Halleschen Ufer Berlin 1996)

Radio plays and features


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. - A political-philosophical thriller . In: Deutschlandfunk . ( deutschlandfunk.de [accessed on September 2, 2018]).
  2. http://www.deutschlandradio.de/feature-von-deutschlandradio-kultur-florian-felix-weyh.338.de.html?dram:article_id=312507
  3. https://www.psd-bank.de/Presse-Infos/Information/PSD-Journalistenpreis/c176.html