Florian Makasy

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Peter Paul Florian Makasy , also Makasi (born May 3, 1790 in St. Joachimsthal ; † November 11, 1878 ibid), was a Bohemian mining entrepreneur and director, kk postmaster and keeper, city ​​councilor and school supervisor.


Florian Makasy came from the respected old Joachimsthal Macasi family (us) . He was the son of the citizen and businessman Franz Anton Makasy (* 1762 in Kaaden, † 1803 in St. Joachimsthal) and his wife Elisabeth born. Haidmann (* around 1766 in St. Joachimsthal; † 1822 there). One of his ancestors was the mountain and mayor of St. Joachimsthal Johann Gabriel Macasius , who received the nobility diploma in Prague in 1663.

As early as 1825 he was the owner of the pit in St. Joachimsthal (owner of the Thomaszeche ) and had been a postman, carrier and foreman since June 18, 1825. In addition, he was the tin smelting agent, plant manager of the Morizzeche in stallion heirs and director of the Franciscizeche , which was closed according to the edict of April 7, 1874. From 1861 to 1864 he held the offices of city council and school supervisor. In 1868 he was appointed director of the Saxon Noble Stollner Union . He was the heir of the so-called "forefathers house" in St. Joachimsthal with the house number 139. He died there on November 11, 1878 at the age of 88 years and 6 months of old age. His great-grandson Viktor Peter Makasy was the author of the Macasi clan chronicle from 1987.


Makasy married her first marriage on November 5, 1816 in St. Joachimsthal Veronika Kuhn (* 1796 in St. Joachimsthal; † 1818 there), her second marriage on February 14, 1820 in St. Joachimsthal Anna Fritsch (* 1802 in St. Joachimsthal ; † 1820 ibid), in third marriage on February 5, 1823 in Heinrichsgrün Elisabeth Göttl (* 1800 in Heinrichsgrün; † 1868 in St. Joachimsthal). The following children emerged from the marriages:

  • Ida (* 1817 in St. Joachimsthal; † 1842 ibid); ⚭ 1836 in St. Joachimsthal Johann Woraczek, citizen and pharmacist in St. Joachimsthal
  • Maria Rosina Elisabeth (* 1823 in St. Joachimsthal); ⚭ Gustav Elßner kk court accounting official in Vienna
  • Hermann Franz Rudolf Johann (* 1824 in St. Joachimsthal)
  • Emilia Maria Rosina (* 1826 in St. Joachimsthal); ⚭ Wenzl Zemlicka, forester near Jungbunzlau
  • Gabriela Maria Wilhelmina (* 1827 in St. Joachimsthal)
  • Johanna Maria (* 1828 in St. Joachimsthal)
  • Friedrich Johann Anton Rudolph (* 1829 in St. Joachimsthal; † 1830 there)
  • Karl Florian Eusbach Erdmann (* 1830 in St. Joachimsthal), cashier in a chemical factory in Liesing near Vienna
  • Maria Anna Catharina (* 1832 in St. Joachimsthal)
  • Rosa (* around 1833 in St. Joachimsthal, † 1902 in Hitzing)
  • Karolina (* 1836 in St. Joachimsthal)
  • Mathilde Barbara Elisabeth Eva (* 1838 in St. Joachimsthal, † 1838 in St. Joachimsthal)
  • Johann Alfred Ermin (* 1840 in St. Joachimsthal), locksmith in the kk Arsenal in Vienna, machine operator; ⚭ Mathilde Modrick


  • Viktor Peter Makasy: The Chronicle of the Macasi Kinship, 1987

Individual evidence

  1. General montanistic schematism of the Austrian Empire: for the year ... 1845 ( google.de [accessed on March 25, 2018]).
  2. Schematism of the Kingdom of Bohemia: on d. Year ... 1838 . Haase, 1838 ( google.de [accessed on March 25, 2018]).
  3. ^ Austrian Mining Handbook . A. Schweiger., 1861 ( google.de [accessed on March 25, 2018]).
  4. Handbook for mining, coinage and forestry in Kaiserthume Austria: for ... 1856 ( google.de [accessed on March 25, 2018]).
  5. ^ Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Berg- und Hüttenwesen . Manz, 1874 ( google.de [accessed on March 25, 2018]).
  6. Osterreichisches Montan-Handbuch for ... 1875 . 1875 ( google.de [accessed on March 25, 2018]).