Florin Medeleț

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Florin Medeleț (1943-2005)

Florin Medeleț (born April 24, 1943 , † June 8, 2005 ) was a Romanian ancient historian and Roman provincial archaeologist .

Florin Medeleț studied at the University of Cluj-Napoca . After graduating, he worked from 1965 to 1991 at the Banat Museum in Timișoara as a museologist, chief museologist, department head, deputy scientific director and finally as director. In 1966 and 1967 he directed the excavations in the Roman fort Orșova , before it fell victim to the floods of the Danube dammed up at the Iron Gate in 1972 . Since 1991 he worked at the Thracological Institute of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest . He published more than 150 archaeological titles in which he presented his research on the cities, necropolises and Dacian settlements of the Banat and Transylvania .

On the occasion of his 60th birthday, a commemorative publication was published in his honor as Volume 33 of the Bibliotheca historica et archaeologica banatica series (Historical and Archaeological Library of the Banat).

After his death, Strada Florin Medeleț in Timișoara was named after him .

Fonts (selection)

  • (with Mihai Ziman): O cronică a revoluției din Timișoara . Muzeul Banatului, Timișoara 1990
  • Au sujet d'une grande spirale dacique en argent du Musée National de Belgrade . Muzeul de istorie al Județului Caraș-Severin, Reșița 1993
  • Contribuții la repertoriul numismatic al Banatului. Epoca Latène, secolul IV î. Mr. -106. Analele Banatului, SN 3 (1994), pp. 239-308.
  • The Basarabi Complex in Central and Southeastern Europe. Colloquium in Dobreta-Turnu Severin (November 7–9, 1996) . Romanian Institute of Thracology, Bucharest 1996
  • (with Nicolae Ilieșiu, Petru Ilieșu and Victor Neumann): Timișoara, monograph istorică . Planetarium, Timișoara 2003
  • (with Vasile Rămneanțu and Nicoleta Toma): Muzeul Banatului. File de cronică 2 1918-1948 . Mirton, Timișoara 2004
  • (with Dan Nicolae Buruleanu): Timișoara. Povestea orașelor sale . Mirton, Timișoara 2004


  • Petru Rogozea (Red.): Festschrift for Florin Medeleț for his 60th birthday (= Bibliotheca historica et archaeologica banatica 33). Mirton, Timișoara 2004.
  • Aurel Rustoiu, Alexandru Szentmiklósi: Florin Medeleț și arheologia de la cumpăna mileniilor . In: Arheovest 3, Timișoara 2015, ISBN 978-963-315-264-5 , pp. 15-27 ( digitized version ).

Individual evidence

  1. Aurel Rustoiu, Alexandru Szentmiklósi: Florin Medeleț și arheologia de la cumpăna mileniilor . In: Arheovest 3, Timișoara 2015, ISBN 978-963-315-264-5 , pp. 15-27 ( digitized version ).
  2. Petru Rogozea (Red.): Festschrift for Florin Medeleț for his 60th birthday (= Bibliotheca historica et archaeologica banatica 33). Mirton, Timișoara 2004.