Payerne military airfield

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Payerne military airfield
Dassault Mirage III as gate guard of the airfield

46 ° 50 '36 "  N , 6 ° 54' 54"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 50 '36 "  N , 6 ° 54' 54"  E

Height above MSL 447 m (1467  ft )

Start-and runway
05/23 2858 m × 40 m


i11 i13

The Payerne military airfield is a military airfield of the Swiss Air Force in Payerne .


The holder of the first Swiss pilot's certificate, Ernest Failloubaz , flew the Avenches - Payerne route on September 28, 1910 . In 1921 the federal government rented land from the municipality of Payerne in order to build an airfield. In 1925 the army set up an airfield in Payerne. In 1960, 50 years after the Failloubaz flight, a memorial was erected on the military airfield. Since 1998 the airfield can also be used for civil purposes.

The Payerne military airfield is the home base of the F / A-18 - Fliegerstaffeln 17 Falcons and 18 Panthers as well as Air Transport Squadron 1. All aircraft of the Swiss Air Force are deployed from Payerne. The Payerne military airfield serves as a training facility for all ground-based tasks for flight operations, the recruit schools and non-commissioned officer training in areas such as aircraft mechanics, accident ambulance, etc. are carried out at the Payerne military airfield. Therefore Payerne is also the main base of the F / A-18C Mock-up X-5098. The F / A-18 simulators are also located in Payerne. The safety cable systems for F / A-18 and F-5 at both ends of the runway can be lowered flush with the runway so that they are not an obstacle for small aircraft.

The flying components of the Swiss Safety Investigation Board (SUST) are stationed at the military airfield and the second aircraft, HB-SIB, from Solar Impulse is stationed in Payerne. The A1 motorway is connected to the airfield site by a taxiway near Hall 5 and can be used as a take-off and landing runway if necessary. However, this option has never been used since the motorway was built.

The aviation museum Musée de l'aviation militaire de Payerne Clin d'Ailes is also located on the site of the Payerne military airfield . This offers flights from Payerne in Mirage IIIDS J-2012 (civil enrollment HB-RDF) against payment. Flight operations with the trainer Hawker Hunter T.68 J-4203 (civil registration HB-RVW) ceased in October 2014. This aircraft is now in the museum.

In 2004 the International Air Show Air04 took place at the Payerne military airfield. The Air14 Airshow took place at the Payerne military airfield from August 30th to September 7th 2014 , every day the Swiss aerobatic teams Patrouille Suisse , Super Puma Display Team , F / A-18 Hornet Solo Display and PC-7 Team gave a flight demonstration . Foreign aircraft and historical aircraft were also demonstrated on the two weekends. The reason for this event was the 100th anniversary of the Swiss Air Force as well as 50 years of Patrouille Suisse and 25 years of the PC-7 team.

In August 2016, the largest sporting event in Switzerland, the Swiss Wrestling and Alpine Festival , took place on the grounds of the airfield .

The fire training center "IPT Phénix" is to be built within 3 years for 28 million francs on 26,400 square meters of the Payerne military airfield. In addition to the necessary buildings, three fire simulators "F / A-18", "Super Puma" and a "Transport / civil aircraft" will be set up. "IPT Phénix" is operated with propane and includes a system for cleaning and recycling of the (extinguishing) water. "IPT Phénix" is a systematic, holistic, regular fire fighting training and training center for professional and militia formations in the Swiss Armed Forces as well as for civil rescue workers in connection with aviation. So far, professional military and civil professional formations have been trained in the Dutch Woensdrecht on an aircraft fire system.

Forel aviator firing range

At Forel in the municipality of Vernay there is an air- firing range that is used for air-to-ground shooting with on- board cannons .

Web links

Commons : Payerne Air Base  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. LSMP on GCmap-com , accessed October 26, 2016
  2. ^ Toni Bernhard, Henry Wydler: Air Force. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 8, 2009 , accessed June 13, 2019 .
  3. Berner Zeitung The hornet that will never fly
  4. ^ Book Uno Zero Zero ISBN 978-3-9524239-0-5 page 230
  5. Festival grounds - Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival ( Memento of the original from July 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. defensio, issue 4-2018, pages 22 - 25, publisher: Swiss Confederation, Swiss Army