Flying Fish Cove

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Flying Fish Cove
Flying Fish Cove (Christmas Island)
Flying Fish Cove
Flying Fish Cove
Coordinates 10 ° 25 ′ 18 ″  S , 105 ° 40 ′ 41 ″  E Coordinates: 10 ° 25 ′ 18 ″  S , 105 ° 40 ′ 41 ″  E
Basic data
Country Christmas Island
Australian outer area Christmas Island
height 0 m
surface 79 km²
Residents 1599 (2016)
density 20.2  Ew. / km²
founding 1888
Temple in Flying Fish Cove
Temple in Flying Fish Cove

Flying Fish Cove (often just referred to as The Settlement , German Bay of the Flying Fish ) is the capital of Christmas Island , an Australian outer territory .


The settlement is located in the northeast of the island; there is a small port, which is mainly used for phosphate exports and tourism with yachts . The Christmas Island Airport is located a few kilometers southeast from Flying Fish Cove. Diving is possible on the town's beach .


Flying Fish Cove was the first British settlement on the island since 1888 .


Flying Fish Cove has around 1350 inhabitants, around two thirds of the total population of Christmas Island.

Around 55.6% of the population are male, with 888 men and 710 women. The median age is 40 years. The 303 families have an average of 0.9 children.

There are 563 households with an average of 2.7 people and 1.8 vehicles . The average monthly rental price is A $ 152 . Each household has an average weekly income of A $ 2,144.

Web links

Commons : Flying Fish Cove  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Australian Bureau of Statistics : Flying Fish Cove ( English ) In: 2016 Census QuickStats . June 27, 2017. Retrieved April 5, 2020.
  2. Flying Fish Cove 2011 Census QuickStats ; Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics , accessed January 31, 2016