Formai de Mut dell'Alta Val Brembana

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Formai de Mut dell'Alta Val Brembana is a semi-hard hard cheese from the northern Italian province of Bergamo . The name comes from the dialect term "courage", which means something like "Weiden auf der Alp" (reference to a mountain cheese), which means that the best cheese is produced on the summer pastures at an altitude of 1200 to 2500 m becomes.

Areas of origin

The Formai de Mut is only allowed in the areas of Averara , Branzi , Carona , Camerata Cornello , Cassiglio , Cusio , Piazzatorre , Foppolo , Isola di Fondra , Lenna , Mezzoldo , Moio de 'Calvi , Olmo al Brembo , Ornica , Piazza Brembana , Piazzolo , Roncobello , Santa Brigida , Valleve , Valtorta Valnegra .

This was confirmed by the EU with the recognition of the PDO .

Storage and consumption

The Formai de Mut should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of around 4 ° C. It is advisable to keep the cheese locked in cling film to prevent it from drying out and to prevent the taste from being passed on to other foods.
The cheese should be consumed at room temperature.

Quality mark

The top of the loaf is stamped with a cowbell in the middle, underneath the word DOP, surrounded by the writing dell'Alta Val Brembana, which in turn is framed by a ring of smaller cowbells.


  • “Alpage”: the stamp is blue - maturing on the mountain pastures, on sale from June to September
  • “Non alpage”: the stamp is red - maturing in the valley, sold during the rest of the year

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