spring Festival

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Lanterns at the Taiwan Spring Festival

As Spring Festival in many cultures celebrations are to welcome the Spring called. Due to the climatic conditions, spring festivals are mainly found in temperate latitudes . In Central Europe, the word also denotes folk festivals that take place in spring .

Spring festivals to celebrate the beginning of spring

In many cultures, the Spring Festival is also the New Year festival such as B. in all countries of Central Asia and on the Indian subcontinent.

Typical spring festivals are the old Iranian New Year and Spring Festival Nouruz of the Persians , Kurds and the Turkic peoples of Central Asia or the Chinese New Year . The Indian spring festival Holi is similar to the old Iranian Nouruz . The Albanian festival Dita e Verës is of pagan origin . The historic spring festivals also include the Celtic-Irish Beltane and Walpurgis Night .

There are many elements in Christian Easter customs that symbolize the reawakening of nature and fertility, like other spring festivals, such as flowering branches, Easter eggs and Easter bunnies .

Spring folk festivals

In several German and Swiss cities, folk festivals that take place in spring are officially or colloquially known as the “spring festival”. In Eisenach it's summer profit . The word in the name has the Munich Spring Festival , the Nuremberg Spring Festival and the Hanover Spring Festival . Europe's largest spring festival is the Stuttgart Spring Festival . In Zurich , the spring festival is called Sechseläuten .

Web links

Wiktionary: Spring Festival  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations