Spring pigeon

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Spring pigeon
Male (left) and female (right)

Male (left) and female (right)

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : Green doves ( Treron )
Type : Spring pigeon
Scientific name
Treron vernans
( Linnaeus , 1771)

The spring dust ( Treron vernans ) is a species of bird from the family of pigeons (Columbidae).


This species reaches a length of about 30 cm and is therefore to be classified in size between a city ​​pigeon and a laughing pigeon . Compared to these species, it has a relatively compact figure and a short tail. In addition, the sexual dimorphism is clearly developed. The female is predominantly olive-green with a yellow-green underside, the male has a pale bluish head, a pink neck and a rust-red to orange chest. However, the color intensity is different for the various subspecies.


The home of this pigeon species is southeast Asia . They can be found in Thailand , Cambodia , Vietnam and Malaysia as well as on the Sunda Islands and the Philippines . There it inhabits mainly mangroves and swampy lowland forests. However, it is occasionally found in more open landscapes.


The diet of the spring pigeon consists mainly of fruits and berries . Since it excretes the hard-shelled seeds of some fruits undigested, it contributes significantly to the spread of plants such as figs and wild cherries . In contrast to the so-called fruit pigeons, for example from the family of the downy pigeons , it sometimes also consumes grains and other seeds.


Spring pigeons breed in pairs and build their nests consisting of twigs, hidden in the branches of trees or bushes. The female usually lays 1–2 eggs there , which are incubated by both parents. However, the majority of the breeding tasks are carried out by the male. The young hatch after about 14 days and are provided with food by both parents.


  • Craig Robson: Birds of South-East Asia. London 2005.
  • Gerald Rösler: Wild pigeons of the earth. Hanover 1996.

Web links

Commons : Spring dove ( Treron vernans )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files