Françoise d'Eaubonne

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Françoise d'Eaubonne pronunciation (born March 12, 1920 in Paris ; † August 3, 2005 in Paris) was a French author and suffragette .


D'Eaubonne was born in Paris in 1920. Her childhood was marked by the illness of her father, who suffered from the effects of gas poisoning as a soldier in the First World War. After finishing school in Toulouse , when she was 16, the Spanish Civil War broke out. These childhood and adolescent experiences gave rise to a critical look at the world at d'Eaubonne. In Paris, d'Eaubonne developed into a militant radical feminist. She first joined the Communist Party. In 1971 d'Eaubonne founded the Front homosexuel d'action révolutionnaire (FHAR), a homosexual civil rights organization, with other former communist members . In one of her books Le féminisme ou la mort from 1974 she coined the term ecofeminism . In her life as a writer and suffragette, she met a number of important personalities of the 20th century, including Colette , Simone de Beauvoir , Jean-Paul Sartre and Jean Cocteau .

According to her motto Not a single day without a line (" Pas un jour sans une ligne "), she wrote more than 50 different works.

Works (selection)


  • 1944: Le coeur de Watteau
  • 1947: Comme un vol de gerfauts , Prix des lecteurs
  • 1957: Belle Humeur ou la Véridique Histoire de Mandrin
  • 1959: J'irai cracher sur vos tombes
  • 1959: Les Tricheurs
  • 1963: Jusqu'à la gauche
  • 1978: Les Bergères de l'Apocalypse
  • 1979: On vous appelait terroristes
  • 1982: Je ne suis pas née pour mourir
  • 1986: The secret of the almond planet , Rowohlt
  • 1987: Terrorist's blues
  • 1995: Floralies du désert



  • 1951: Le complexe de Diane, érotisme ou féminisme
  • 1964: Y at-il encore des hommes?
  • 1974: Le féminisme ou la mort (German translation: Feminismus oder Tod , 1981, 4th edition, Verlag Frauenoffensive München)
  • 1976: Les femmes avant le patriarcat
  • 1978: Contre violence ou résistance à l'état
  • 1978: Histoire de l'art et lutte des sex
  • 1978: Écologie, féminisme: révolution ou mutation?
  • 1982: S comme Sectes
  • 1988: La femme russe
  • 1997: Féminin et philosophie: une allergie historique
  • 1997: La liseuse et la lyre
  • 1999: Le sexocide des sorcières
  • 2003: L'évangile de Véronique

Quote (selection)

From Françoise d'Eaubonne's manifesto, a few more passages, which, although extreme, reflect the mood of the new beginnings and the intentions of the time, not only of the women, but of many gay activists:

“The male homosexuals are far less the natural enemies of women than the straight men who so often and easily become straight cops. A woman of our time, in whatever country, class and culture she lives in, “owes” most of the misfortunes, failures, humiliation and powerlessness that beset her, the present and the clash with heterosexuals, if it does so are now about the father, the husband or the lover. […] The apparent tolerance that homosexual women are shown is only an expression of social contempt. For the world, as once for Queen Victoria, there is no female homosexuality, at most a somewhat raunchy homophilia. […] I believe that these groups should lead the revolutionary movement: […] The groups of women and homosexual men. […] Sexuality, which has been put aside and mutilated into the petty-bourgeois bedroom as a problem, is taking revenge, as it has already done with the churches and everyone who denied it: it undermines it from within. […] Standing up for contraception and abortion, as well as the defense of the male erotic minority, is not a hindrance to research freed from constraints or to the social and political advancement of women. On the contrary, these parallel efforts and struggles will unite in the common goal: The destruction of the patriarchal family as the cornerstone of our society and its replacement by an opposing device that puts an end to the struggle of the sexes, the oppression of women and homosexuals [...] . Is it necessary to underline that at this point in time capital and the bourgeoisie will only be memories? "

Web links

Commons : Françoise d'Eaubonne  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. New vigor with a new team 1974 ( Memento of the original from November 24, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /