Francesco Filippuzzi

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Francesco Filippuzzi (born September 8, 1824 in San Daniele del Friuli , Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia , Austrian Empire , † July 22, 1886 in Padua , Kingdom of Italy ) was an Austro-Italian chemist .

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Filippuzzi studied in Germany and Vienna . In 1852 he received his doctorate from the University of Padua . From 1853 to 1859 he continued his education in Vienna, with Robert Wilhelm Bunsen in Heidelberg, with August Wilhelm Hofmann in London and with Carl Remigius Fresenius in Wiesbaden. In 1853 he worked in the laboratory of the Schottenfelder Realschule in Vienna. In 1855 he reported on the behavior of paraffin . In 1858 he became associate professor of chemistry at the University of Padua and director of the laboratory there. His task was to introduce practical lessons based on the German model. In the academic year 1861/62 he was Dean of the Philosophical Faculty. In 1864 he was appointed full professor of general chemistry. Filipuzzi concentrated on his teaching post and did no more research. In 1875 he was president of the Classe Chimica e Mineralogia of the Società Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze .


  • Della sostituzione dell'ossido di zinco al carbonato di piombo nella pittura ad olio e generalmente della possibilità di adoperare i colori a base di zinco in sostituzione dei colori a base di piombo. Tesi inaugurale. Bianchi, Padua 1852 (dissertation, University of Padua, 1852; , incomplete).
  • Della Paraffina. In: Meeting reports of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, Vol. 17, 1855, pp. 425-439 ( digitized version ).
  • Indagine chimica sopra l'aqua della fonte Felsinea in Valdagno. In: Session reports of the mathematical and natural science class of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . Vol. 21, 1856, pp. 561-585 ( digitized version ).


  • Cenni sulla vita del Prof. Francesco Filippuzzi. In: Annuario della R. Università degli studî de Padova per l'anno scolastico 1886–87. Randi, Padua 1887, p. 265 f.
  • August Wilhelm Hofmann : Nekrolog. In: Reports of the German Chemical Society . Vol. 19 (1886), pp. 2941-2942 ( digitized version ).
  • Angelo Bassani: Francesco Filippuzzi. In: Sandra Casellato, Luisa Pigatto (ed.): Professori di materie scientifiche all'Università di Padova nell'Ottocento. Lint, Triest 1996, p. 119 ff.