Francis Vielé-Griffin

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Francis Vielé-Griffin (born May 26, 1864 in Norfolk , Virginia , † December 11, 1937 in France ) was a French writer of American origin.


Vielé-Griffin was the son of the engineer Egbert Ludovicus Many (1825-1902) and his wife Teresa Griffin. After his parents divorced, Vielé-Griffin went to France with his mother and settled in Paris ( Montparnasse ). There he attended the Collège Stanislas ; u. a. together with Henri de Regnier.

Vielé-Griffin stayed alternately in and near Tours ( Département Indre-et-Loire ) and Paris. In his work he preferred to use the vers libre .

In 1890, together with Gustave Kahn and Jules Laforgue , Vielé-Griffin founded the magazine “Entretiens Politiques et Littéraires” and was its main director. The publication was discontinued after just two years. This magazine is considered to be one of the most important journals of symbolism ; published in her u. a. André Gide , Francis Jammes , Théo van Rysselberghe , Paul Valéry and Émile Verhaeren .

Vielé-Griffin headed the Académie Mallarmé for some time .


  • Commander of the Legion of Honor
  • Member of the Académie royale de langue et de littérature française de Belgique

Works (selection)

As an author

Single issues
  • Cueille d'avril . 1885.
  • Les cygnes . 1892.
  • Swanhilde . 1894
Work editions
  • Oeuvres . Slatkine, Geneva 1977 (reprint of the Paris 1930 edition).
  • Poèmes et Poésies . 1895.
  • Choix de poèmes . 1923.

As editor

  • Entretiens politiques et littéraires . Paris 1890/92.

As translator


  • Manfred Gsteiger: French symbolists in German literature at the turn of the century. 1869-1914 . Franke Verlag, Bern 1971, ISBN 3-7720-0923-9 .
  • Jacques Lethève: Impressionistes et Symbolistes devant la presse (Kiosque; Vol. 1). Colin, Paris 1959.
  • Pierre Martino: Parnasse et symbolisme (Collection U2; Vol. 11). Colin, Paris 1970.
  • Margaretha Müller: Music and Language. On their relationship in French symbolism (Bonn Romance Works; Vol. 18). Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 1983, ISBN 3-8204-7622-9 (plus dissertation, University of Bonn 1982).
  • Henri Peyre: La liitérature symboliste . PUF, Paris 1987, ISBN 2-13-039861-8 .
  • Josef Theisen: The poetry of the French symbolists (income from research; Bd. 31). WBG, Darmstadt 1974, ISBN 3-534-06179-9 .
  • Correspondance Vielé-Griffin - Ghéon , édition critique établie par Catherine Boschian-Campaner, Paris: H. Champion, 2004  ISBN 2-7453-0982-X .