Chico Xavier

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Chico Xavier (actually: Francisco Cândido Xavier ; born April 2, 1910 in Pedro Leopoldo , Minas Gerais ; † June 30, 2002 in Uberaba , Minas Gerais) was a Brazilian medium .

Significance for Brazilian Spiritism

Chico Xavier stated that he had contact with ghosts in his childhood . After coming into contact with the teachings of Allan Kardec , Chico Xavier published numerous books, the content of which was supposedly inspired by spirits (psychography). The sales of the books were donated to charitable organizations, which led to the great popularity of the medium. Through numerous radio and television appearances, he contributed significantly to the spread of Spiritism in Brazil. The number of followers of Spiritism (according to Allan Kardec) in Brazil is estimated at 4.6 million. Chico Xavier gained international fame in 1979 when, during the trial of a young man in Goiânia who was accused of murdering a friend, a message from the dead man psychographed by Chico Xavier was accepted as evidence by the court and the accused was subsequently acquitted. Chico Xavier died on June 30, 2002 when Brazil won the World Cup . He had previously stated that he would die on a day of joy. Even today he is one of the most popular Brazilians of the 20th century.

Bust of Chico Xavier in Pedro Leopoldo

Works in German

  • Our home. Life in the spiritual world (Nosso Lar) dictated by the spirit being André Luiz- ISBN 978-85-98161-37-2
  • Missionaries of Light dictated by the spirit being André Luiz (Missionários da Luz) - ISBN 978-3-905966-01-5
  • Worker of eternal life dictated by the spirit being André Luiz (Obreiros da Vida Eterna) - ISBN 978-3-905966-22-0
  • In the area of ​​mediality dictated by the spiritual being André Luiz (Nos Domínios da Mediunidade) - ISBN 978-3-905966-24-4

Works in Portuguese

This is an incomplete list of the books psychographed by Chico Xavier that continue to influence the spiritist movement in Brazil. In total, Chico Xavier wrote over 400 works.

  • A Caminho da Luz
  • Ação e Reação
  • Ave Cristo
  • Cartas de uma Morta
  • Cinquenta Anos Depois
  • Crianças no Além
  • Desobsessão
  • E a Vida Continua
  • Entre Dois Mundos
  • Evolução em Dois Mundos
  • Há 2000 anos
  • Jesus no Lar
  • Libertação
  • Livro da Esperança
  • Mecanismos da Mediunidade
  • Missionarios da Luz
  • No Mundo Maior
  • Nos Domínios da Mediunidade
  • Nosso Lar
  • O Consolador
  • O Pão Nosso
  • Os Mensageiros
  • Parnaso de Além-Túmulo
  • Paulo e Estevão
  • Renuncia


On April 2nd, 2010, when Chico Xavier would have turned 100, "Chico Xavier - The Film" was shown in Brazil. The film is based on the biography "As Vidas de Chico Xavier" by the journalist Marcel Souto Maior. The director was Daniel Filho. Chico Xavier was portrayed by the actors Matheus Costa, Ângelo Antônio and Nelson Xavier. The film showed his life in three phases: from 1918 to 1922, from 1931 to 1959 and from 1969 to 1975. In the third week, over 2 million visited the film. In 2010 the film Nosso Lar (DVD title: Astral City) was released, which is based on the book of the same name by Chico Xavier and deals with the spiritual being André Luiz. Directed by Wagner de Assis , the main actors were Renato Prieto , Fernando Alves Pinto and Rosanne Mulholland .


  • Guy L. Playfair: Chico Xavier. In: Fantastic PSI phenomenon. From the land where miracles are commonplace. Bauer, Freiburg 1976, ISBN 3-7626-0199-2 , pp. 25-69.

Web links

Commons : Chico Xavier  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the IMDb
  2. Chico Xavier has over 2 million visitors ( Memento from April 25, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Astral City: Our Home | Film 2010. In: Retrieved February 5, 2020 .