Francisco Javier Clavijero

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Francisco Javier Clavijero. SJ

Francisco Javier Clavijero (* 1731 in Veracruz , Mexico , † 1787 in Bologna , Italy ) was a Mexican writer and historian . Other forms of name include a. Francisco Xavier Clavijero, Franz Xaver Clavigero or Franciscus Xaverius Clavigerus.

Ancient History of Mexico

His historical work in ten volumes, Ancient History of Mexico , was written by him in Spanish , but was first published in Italian in 1780/1781 (original title: Storia Antica del Messico cavata da 'Migliori Storici Spagnuoli, e da' Manoscritti, e dale Pitture Antiche degl 'Indiani ). In these volumes he refutes two contemporary historical works ( Philosophical Studies on the Americans by Cornelis de Pauw , Philosophical and Political History of the European Settlements in the Two Indies by Guillaume Raynal (1713–1796)) with their confusions and false assertions.

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