Francisco Javier Errázuriz

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Francisco Javier de Errázuriz von Larraín (born February 3, 1711 in Aranaz , Navarra , Spain , † September 8, 1767 in Santiago de Chile ) was a merchant , farmer and politician .


In 1733 the young Naverran first emigrated to America , two years later he moved to Chile . There he married Loreto Madariaga Jáuregui-Lecerna in 1739 , daughter of the treasurer of the Kingdom of Chile, who also grew up in Navarre. In 1746 he was elected to the city council of Santiago and from 1756 to 1767 he was mayor of Santiago. From 1759 until his death he was on the city council.

The couple had nine children: Francisco Javier (born 1744), María del Carmen (born 1745), José Antonio (born 1747), Francisca (born 1748), María Dolores (born 1750), Domingo (born 1754), Santiago (born 1755), Rosa (born 1756) and María Loreto (born 1760).

Maria Dolores and María Loreto died in childhood. Francisca and Rosé became nuns. Only María del Carmen, the eldest daughter, married Luis Manuel Zañartu from Corregidor , with whom she had two children. José Antonio and Domingo were priests and Santiago married but had no children. Francisco Javier de Errázuriz of Madariaga was like his father a merchant and farmer. He married Rosa Martínez de Aldunate, daughter of one of the most influential men in Chile . This ensured the family's social advancement.

Known descendants

The following is a list of known family members who have served as President of Chile :

Individual evidence

  1. Biography accessed on February 15, 2020 (Chilean)