Frank Henenlotter

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Frank Henenlotter

Frank Henenlotter (* 1950 in New York City , New York ) is a film director of B movies and critics , film theorists and advertising executive.


Frank Henenlotter dealt with the subject of film at an early age. He made his film debut with the cult horror film Basket Case (1982), for which, as with all his other films, he wrote the script himself. Although the film flopped at the box office , it gained a certain cult following when it was released on video cassette. After this film, Henenlotter shot two sequels and the films Elmer and Frankenhooker . After he stopped filming in 1991 after Basket Case 3 - The Brut and earned his living as a film critic, theoretician and advertising specialist, Bad Biology was released in 2008 . In the meantime he worked for the label Something Weird , where he dug up old, obscure low-budget films and re-released them. In 2010, Herschell Gordon Lewis: The Godfather of Gore was his documentary about the director Herschell Gordon Lewis , the founder of the splatter and gore genre.


Thomas Gaschler, Eckhard Vollmar: "Dark Stars". Belleville, Munich 1992, ISBN 978-3-923646-50-0 . (Contains an interview)

Filmography (selection)

  • 2000: Mau Mau Sex Sex
  • 2015: Eaten Alive! The Rise and Fall of the Italian Cannibal Film

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