Frank Jülicher

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Frank Jülicher (born March 19, 1965 in Ludwigsburg ) is a German biophysicist.


Frank Jülicher completed his intermediate diploma in physics in 1986 at the University of Stuttgart and then went to RWTH Aachen University , where he received his diploma in physics with distinction from Heiner Müller-Krumbhaar on the subject of "Functional renormalization on a model for the wetting transition" in 1990 . He then went to the University of Cologne , where he obtained his doctorate in physics from Reinhard Lipowsky, also with distinction on the subject of "The morphology of vesicles". For his research during this time he received the "International Postdoctoral Fellowship of the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada" ( NSERC ) in 1994 and the Marie Curie Research Award of the European Union in 1996.

He completed his habilitation in 2000 at the University of Paris VII . Since 2002 he has been Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden and Professor of Biophysics at the TU Dresden .

His main research interests are the physics of active molecular processes in cells and the dynamics of cellular processes. He is interested in cellular communication and signal systems as well as the physics of sensory cells and hearing.

In 2006 he received the Robert Wichard Pohl Prize and in 2007 the Sackler Prize for Biophysics. For 2017 he was awarded a Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize . He is a member of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature , and of the European Molecular Biology Organization since 2018 .

Selected publications

  • Kinetics of Morphogen Gradient Formation . A. Kicheva, P. Pantazis, T. Bollenbach, Y. Kalaidzidis, T. Bittig, F. Jülicher and M. González-Gaitán, Science 315, 521 (2007)
  • Chemotaxis of Sperm Cells . BM Friedrich, F. Jülicher, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 33 (2007)
  • Spindle Oscillations during Asymmetric Cell Division Require a Threshold Number of Active Cortical Force Generators , J. Pecreaux, J.-C. Röper, K. Kruse, F. Jülicher, A. Hyman, S. Grill and J. Howard Curr. Biol. 16, 2111 (2006)
  • Dynamics and Mechanics of Motor-Filament Systems . K. Kruse and F. Jülicher, Eur. Phys. J. E 20, 459 (2006)
  • Contractility and Retrograde Flow in Lamellipodium Motion . K. Kruse, J.-F. Joanny, F. Jülicher and Jacques Prost , Phys. Biol. 16, 3 (2006)
  • Postsynaptic Mad Signaling at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction , V. Dudu, T. Bittig, E. Entchev, A. Kicheva, F. Jülicher and M. González-Gaitán, Curr. Biol. 16, 625 (2006)
  • Hydrodynamic Flow Patterns and Synchronization of Beating Cilia A. Vilfan and F. Jülicher Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 058102 (2006)
  • Universal Critical Behavior of Noisy Coupled Oscillators: A Renormalization Group Study , T. Risler, J. Prost and F. Jülicher
  • Theory of Mitotic Spindle Oscillations , SW Grill, K. Kruse and F. Jülicher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 108104 (2005)
  • Generic Theory of Active Polar Gels : A Paradigm for Cytoskeletal Dynamics, K. Kruse, JF Joanny, F. Jülicher, J. Prost and K. Sekimoto, Eur. Phys. J. E 16, 5 (2005)
  • Robust Formation of Morphogen Gradients , T. Bollenbach, K. Kruse, P. Pantazis, M. González-Gaitán and F. Jülicher, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 18103 (2005)

Web links


  1. Member entry of Frank Jülicher at the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz